Monday, August 14, 2017

Monday August 14

 I received yesterday a new USB 3 external hard drive with a capacity of  1 TB. A brand new one.

I used it here at the clinic to back all the files I had accumulated at CNS.

It was all saved under a top folder easy to move and hence the operation had been planned in advanced.

Right now the computer #2 has a free hard drive a lot of space. I have saved all the pictures of mine with the memories of the boys. A key aspect of this operation was to save the memories

It has been a good weekend with many activities  I  enjoyed.

My family came for the weekend and we went to eat outside at Panera Bread.

It is an OK place to eat. I am sure the family eats better when they are at home.

However it is next to a Target Store and afterward we went there to get a new school bag for Chicco.

Simona   tried to get some shorts for the boys, she was not successful because nothing would  fit them.

Last Saturday August 12 my weight was 176.8lb.

Over the weekend I have been cleaning the whole apartment I can not stand the dust it is everywhere.

Anyway here is who I was before.

Who am I right now? I am still a dr. anyway

Last Saturday Grocery Shopping at Trader Joe's.

I had a lot of fun as always.

I spent $110.31 all in good Organic food.

At the end Jamie showed me she is a fan.

She mentioned that her last name is Von Slomski.

A huge trust factor for me.

Last Friday August 11 I went to the gym for my Zumba routine.

I  left at 4:45pm  and I have been dropped at the gym at 5pm

After my Zumba time I came back with Damian Girlfriend's Trish.

They are all nice to me beside she knows where I am staying at CNS.

She has seen pictures of the boys and of the family. I always tell her about my family latest activities.

She lessens and appreciates the news.

My RTC gave me $40 last Friday so I was ready for shopping on Saturday.

Obviously I spent more than the $75 that CNS has agreed to give me.

Because I have some very peculiar taste, I eat healthy and most of it Organic.. I am always spending my money for the food.

This is the list and the final tally was $110.31.. all organic and basic food for cooking.

Chicco and I  enjoying lunch at Panera Bread

With Lapo and Simona in blue shirt at Target to get a new backpack for school for Chicco.

At Target we also tried to get some shorts for Lapo. There were no available for him.

I am posting it because it is a picture of my father when he was a young person.

In my opinion he has the same chin as our eldest son Chicco.

Weekend cleaning

Of course I cleaned accurately my restroom, I like to keep it clean and in order.

I use the broom to sweep the tile floor. Once the floor was done I used a few  swifter pads to clean the floor.

At the end the floor  looked good to me

Of course at the beginning of my cleaning I removed  the dust at the top of the shelf..

Do not ask me how I reach it. 

Well since it is here I used a chair.

I cleaned inside the kitchen cabinet's 

Right now it is absolute order and the cleanness is just the way I like it.

It all looked good to my taste.

Here is a page of my memory book documenting in Italian what I cleaned last Sunday.

I cooked chicken things and went to the gym.

I used the chicken as it had to be used within the day.

I made a soffritto with garlic, celery, carrots and tomatoes.

I rolled the chicken in spices and white  flour

It all cooked gently and very healthy.

I used Coconut Oil for cooking and a vegetable bouillon  cube from Simona.

After eating a byte I went to the gym.
I am following my memory book so tat I am sure it is the way it went
At 2pm I signed off and Maricela dropped me at the gym .

I followed my own program listed below.

A lot of bending my legs, a lot of abdominal, chest, shoulder, back muscle.

At the gym I am focusing on repetition rather than weight. I am going at the gym to protect my body and to feel well.  I avoid any strenuous effort, especially any machine that has giving me  issue.

Last time I did an incline chest press and it gave me a bad headache.

I avoid  it this time and it was far different

I am slowly understanding that focusing on repetition and less weight for me put less of a strain to my cardiovascular system.
Anyway at 3:50pm  I was done and I walked back by myself to the apartment.
I signed in at 4:20pm
It was a really hot walk so as soon as I was back I jumped in a cold shower.
Literally cold shower.

Also I made myself a cold ice tea 

Jolanta mentioned that it is good keep tracking what works for my body and what needs to be adjusted.

Less weight and more repetition is always a good mantra for me.

While at the gym I left a few stickers for Kayla's daughter. She has a 5 years old daughter.

Britney mentioned that she has kids as well. I have brought her stickers as well.
She was not at the gym so I left it with Kayla.

Anyway at some point during the day I enjoyed this feature of the iPhone. A voice activated command " Siri Take a selphie"

Breakfast this morning. Healthy breakfast for a while

As I had time - loading for the new clinic is 9:30am I had just enough time to make a new batch of overnight Oats.

I have a bullet proven preparation I am following.

It has been tested on a regular basis and last time I did it was last August 10.

This time I added a fair amount of milk since last time I had only used Coffee.

The usual flower for the day

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