Thursday, August 3, 2017

Thursday August 3 2017

It is a hot summer day, muddy and humid.

I feel the hot temperature in my body and in my head.

My head has started hurting again.

Today I was late at the clinic because of a very bad headache.

Finally I put myself together and came here at the clinic.

I took the van at 10:30 am

For the next few days temperatures is being in the 100F so it is hot.

The flowers are getting really a boost from the hot weather.

I am having a strong headache.

Nursing came to give me my Tylenol but at no effects.

I am in flame with my head.

This morning I had money management completed $75 for Grocery only.
 I did not take any outing money  as got in my habit doing it.

I grabbed the newspapers and did a quick walk at the park near the apartment too hot to stay outside.

My mother sent me this picture from my early time in Italy.

I am the toddler with the yellow jumper.

My mother is at my back at the left. At my right with a tie  is my great grand father Arturo Ghiandoni.

At his left is his son in law Elso Minardi. 

Elso is in white shirt and next to him his wife Norma.  She was my grand mother and my mom's mom.
Elso and Norma  were my grandparents.

Next to Elso is his wife  Norma. And at the far left there is my great grandmother Giuseppina.

Giuseppina and Arturo were the parents of my grand mother Norma.

This makes them my great grand parents

A picture of a typical Italian family from another time.

Next to me is my sister Isabella while my mother Marta is holding my little brother Francesco

Imagine how long this was. I believe it was about 45 years ago.

Right now I am 50 years old and in this picture I was perhaps 5 years old.

This picture was taken in Fano, Italy. It was the place were my great grandparents lived.

My great parents lived in Bolzano Italy and used to vacation in Fano.

Yesterday evening I looked at my food.
The chicken thighs were within a couple of day of the expiration.
So I decided to use it while still within the margin

I cooked it in a great  soffritto of vegetable

First I finely minced an onion with garlic cloves for the soffritto

Then I cut into slices carrots, celery and small cherry tomatoes.

I let it go with Coconut Oil hence making a bit of a  light soffritto

 I seasoned the chicken things  with a bit of salt, pepper and garlic powder in a separate bowl

I used a pair of pliers to handle the chicken

When the soffritto was ready I added it  to the vegetable.

While it was gently cooking  I added water with a chicken broth cube sent me by my wife Simona.

As a side I made a healthy Arugula Salad. carrots. cucumber and mozzarella bytes.

On another pot I cooked healthy Basmati brown rise.

So I cooked for today as well.

I did not go to the gym.

After having dinner I cleaned again then whole kitchen.

You see you cook first and the you clean the kitchen

I cleaned the floor with the broom

I wanted to wash the floor with the swifter pad

So I cleaned the floor and it all looked good to me

As I stayed busy otherwise I let CNS know that I was not going to the gym.

I would have gone to cycle and body pump otherwise.

I am batting with an inflammation of my sciatic nerve.

It has been improving. There is not much to do about it.

Just to take some pain medication or make some light stretching.

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