Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Wednesday August 16

Already, I had a mild day today.

My shunt has  been hurting already this morning. I had a cold patch applied to my head at CNS.

It worked somehow. The reality is that it is just a palliative and a temporary patch. It does not remove the basic feeling. For that I am taking a lot of Buspirone medication.

I had a rough day this morning, there has been a fire alarm at the apartment.

It was expected the whole thing, it is so predictable.

CNS calls it a fire alarm,  the matter is that I have been keeping track of the frequency of occurrence of the events.

It has been happening once a month like a clockwork. Despite the forecast event, it is  utterly annoying to be parade outside in pajamas.. with no dignity. Certainly in my other life I never been experiencing a fire alarm drill, ever no where. Simona tells me that on the contrary she had to take part of it at Caltech. Well there are difference and differences. I bet she is telling about events that happened in the middle of the day when everybody is dressed and ready to go.

Unlike this morning...

Breakfast today...

After the fire alarm, I had a fast   shower  and  a fast  breakfast , actually very  fast because  I had to do a lot of things.

I had to get the receipt at the reception and get the newspaper at the park.

I washed the dishes and thrown my  trash away.

I verbally confirmed  maintenance to set the date in my new phone to the correct one.

As now I have a new phone but the date is  based on being set on PM rather than being  set on AM.
As a result it is off by 24 hours.

Anyway I was able to get some picture of the flowers

I  greeted Jean Dalia the gardener at CNS.

He is taking care of the flowers.

We talked in French as always, he speaks a good French, I am able to recollect a lot as I used to be fluent in French. Many years ago.

I used to speak it currently when I lived in France. 
About 20 years ago.

Yesterday evening I had a lot of doing on my plate.

First I called Verizon - my phone carrier.

My phone was locked up as I had tried to get it set up properly.

I got annoyed for  being unable to access all the features

It was missing a key feature.

My wife mentioned she could not do much from where she lives there

So I picked up customer service number, called it and explained my frustration with them.
Of course it worked, they assigned me a person who helped me fixing the issue.

I told them I could not remember certain information that they were asking me.

Verizon was helpful in assisting me.

This  is hopefully resolved.

As I was busy with the phone matter I cooked and wrote a letter to our kids.

I made a great Broccoli flower pasta.

First I made a light soffritto with garlic for the broccoli,

I  chopped garlic  cloves and used coconut Oil

I seasoned the broccoli, added vegetable broth and cooked it slowly.

On a side I made the Trofie pasta lightly cooked.

I did not fully cook it because my plan was to add it to the broccoli flowers and to cook the whole mix for a few minutes.

So here is the pasta ready to be mixed to the Broccoli flowers.

I seasoned it with Pepper Flakes, Olive Oil and Parmesan Cheese

Here is the Extra Virgin Olive Oil. I poured  directly on  the Pasta. 

Always raw because this type of Oil is not meant to be used for cooking with.

As I had time I wrote a letter to our kids.
As mentioned I wanted to write a note for our eldest son's  12th  birthday.

Happy Birthday Chicco.

For the boys I wished them to be proud and brave in life.

Yesterday They were busy celebrating Chicco's birthday at home in La Canada.

Here is Chicco proudly celebrating his birthday.

Lunch at CNS is always a big mess. A lot of people crowding the small space they have.

They turn on the TV - that things that I personally do not like nor I stand

I can not stand it because they watch TV in a pitch black room so I  guzzle down some type of food. I do not like eating in an uncomfortable setting like this one.

Here is a picture of my brother Francesco and of his wife Sara in Fano.

Long time I have not seen them in person. Nor I am logging to see anybody but my own family in California.

At the time I left Italy for good.I sort of knew where I was going.

I adjusted my targets many times always reaching new and more challenging place for me to be.

I am done this way.

In our family each of us has achieved its own destiny.

My sister Isabella has settled in Germany and  partially Spain. She has been a successful person in the fashion industry.

My brother Franesco is more of a mild person. He stayed local in my home town. 

He got himself a home, a family and a life over there.
These are his choices and his respectable choices.

On the other side, I  have always logging to achieve more and something more, each and every step I took I tried to do more and be more.

In the long run I made the right choice.

Had I stayed back over there, I most likely would have not made it until today. 

Let's call it destiny

Again a picture from Italy.  A kite flying at the beach.


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