Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Wednesday August 9

A couple of days  ago I sent a letter to my mother who is vacationing at our family summer house in Fano, Italy

I wrote her in Italian my native language. I was talking about our kids and my wife.

I also made time to write a letter for our kids in California

Always part of the THP process 

To them it is a letter in English and block letters.

I stayed back the other day. I had my head hurting a lot. So I called Amanda and let her know about my decision no to show up rather than be grumpy in a bad mood.

She agreed .

I had time to do in depth cleaning at the apartment.

I cleaned the kitchen carefully..

I cleaned inside all  the drawers

The  utensils, the white containers and the drawer

I cleaned  the slow cooker in the dish washer and and put it away.

I also checked  the status of the kitchen appliance n the drawer under the oven

I removed a lot of dust from it .
One of the many places I cleaned 

I cleaned carefully under the sink.

It was visibly dirty as nobody had took care of it for a while.

So I  patiently removed everything and cleaned it.

Bending my body and patiently making sure I reached every corner without hurting myself.

The difference is apparent to me: before (top) after (bottom)

Once ready I put back everything

I cleaned the content of the cupboard above the microwave.

Well to reach inside I had to use a chair and climb over it.
Being careful not to fall.

So I emptied the cupboard and laid its content on the table.

I cleaned everything and later put everything back into it.

I rounded the items I was not using in the apartment, cleaned it  and gave it to maintenance.

Some good summer cleaning 

As planned I had the salmon ready that I had packed  to take with me here at CNS

As a result my lunch was ready.

I felt well afterward

I brushed my teeth using baking Soda once in a while I can use it.

I  was then ready to go to the gym.

CNS drove me to the gym, with another patient.

At the gym I had body pump with Ellie and then Zumba with Alex.

I then was ready to leave by 7pm.

The other patients was ready himself. I felt I wanted to walk back by myself without sharing the ride with a smoker..So I left him behind and walked by myself back to the apartment.

He is not able to walk by himself so CNS provided transport for him.

 I walked back by myself. I signed back in at 7:30pm.

You see I prefer  walking  along the road with the car zipping next to me rather than sharing the ride with a person that smokes...
You will understand my preference.

I took my shower and ended up the way I like reading my Economist magazine.

Far more interest than watching TV

Of course I paid attention to the cross way intersection with traffic light.
I am making sure to use the light always and moreover to make sure people do stop.
Most of the time they do not pay attention to the pedestrian people... they are enclosed in their pig truck completely removed from their surrounding..

Apparently this is the way they have been taught.

Once in a while there is still a nice driver.
The older one, not the young people.

And of course this morning I paid the whole price by waking up with my shunt hurting.

I applied frozen ice  wrapped in a plastic bag.

I went to Nursing to get Tylenol for my head.

It has stabilized right now.

I am doing my own things anyway...

Staying away from troubles, drinking plenty of water and keeping under control my blood pressure.

The basil plant in my balcony is growing well.

Since I changed the pot and put it in a large one, he has been thriving without any constriction.

In my balcony there are also other flowers growing up.

They are small flowers that are just beginning to blossom.

Money management today. Receipt day.

That is it is the day were I am required to give the receipt back at the reception to Miss Mary.

As I am not going to any outing yet- no movie nor church- I only have the receipt for the Grocery Shopping.

This is a forceful decision. Church: obviously I made the determination that the service provided was not really good enough for punctuality at church.

After several times of being late, well I gave up entirely and nothing happened.

I am going to church when at home in La Canada with my family.

We are certain to be on time and with the family is clearly a different experience.

Movie: well this is another personal choice , I dot like the system introduced by the new activity coordinator.. so I am abstaining completely.

There is an alternance of patient that are allowed to go to the movie.
It is based on the apartment location.

Well it is so well done that I give up completely any interest in it.

I do not regret it at all
When I will belonging to a free society again I will  consider it 

My mother in Fano has purchased a Basil plant herself.

It is a small plant, still wrapped in plastic,based on my experience it should be let go by itself in a bigger vase with more potting soil


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