Monday, August 7, 2017

Monday August 8

I had a good weekend overall.

A lot of space around me, a lot of open space not been constricted in a crowded place like I am right now.

I like feeling  that I am eating  like  a normal person, not sharing the table with any other  patients as I have been  offered here. Feeling normal is what I need to know when I am eating with metal utensils that I bring from the apartment rather than using plastic utensils.

As I am not comfortable. In the morning I barely have any time to eat and then off to the bus, at lunch   I guzzle down my food in a heart bit...I do not like eating this way.

The cacophony at CNS is omnipresent. An incredible  place to be and to do the so called rehabilitation..many different characters in this place, many different reactions to this much troubled environment.

I would invite Mr Trump to attend a lunch in this place... he could have an enlightening experience and perhaps win some hearts over his cause. He would learn some useful lessons about life as as well

After all he is not doing well in California.

This is perhaps why I like the open space outside. No people screaming no patients disturbing me...

I have to tell that it is hard to get away from the ones that screams at full blow.

Debilitating experience anyway not a rehabilitating experience..what can you do about it.

As the birds are flying and the fish is swimming in the ocean he is screaming full voice worst than a rooster.

He has a little place at church where he can scream aloud and not make feel at odd the normal people ...

I was attending that place once... no more any longer I am done with it, finito for good. Let it be for the ones that have the patience.

For good I am done because of the poor environment.

When in La Canada is a different environment. A true human society that share the common value of S.Bede church.  Otherwise In Bakersfield.. I am a broken record.

Anyway open space..

Can you spot the bee among the flowers?

Activities for last Sunday.

I first went to Albertsons supermarket near the gym.

I needed to get some extra Virgin Olive Oil.

I found a Carapelli one. 

There is a a surprising number of good items over there.

It is too bad they do not run a regular service with it.

Oh yes because it is only for Normal people it would be too much for the society to be discovering what has been swept under the rug.

I am sure the Supermarkets that are accepting to do business with CNS (Trader Joe's. Winco, Walmart) are all used to the CNS environment. 

Adding Albertsons would be  that the society is ready to accept  another disturbing reality.

It is best to leave it hidden under the rug as a lot of places for normal people do not want to feel they are any different than any other place.

I then went to have a hair cut. There is a nice little place called the Upper Cut near the gym.

I have been there several time.

It is a no frill place, you walk in and out in no time.

It the the place for me to go based on myself.

I spent $17 ( $15+$2 of tip) .

Got the receipt at CNS and I they reimburse it right away based on the fact that I did not accept any outing money.

Afterward I had  a quick lunch and went to the gym.

I went with CNS van but I came back on my self.
As always I am taking care of cleaning and more cleaning.

I received my Economist magazine... I am reading it a lot.

Simona has renewed the subscription that had run out.

More cleaning on Saturday. Obviously it was a careful and thoughtful approach.

As I am a tall person I can reach those places were Lupe the house keeping lady is not capable of reaching.

So the top of the curtain frame

I carefully clean the couch from the accumulated dust

I moved the furniture of the living room to clean the carpet from the dust.

So much dust around.

I run the carpet cleaner on all the apartment

I carefully cleaned the bathroom.

After ward I had the pleasure of washing the floor very carefully with a few swifter pads

The bathroom was first

With a new swifter I then took care of kitchen floor

At the end it was all super-clean just the way I like it to be.

Last Saturday after cleaning all I went to Trader Joe's.

I got everything from my list.

I spent $93.07 and had a lot of fun as always.

Jamie at my right hand side was having fun with me.

This time it was dabbing time.

She is Jamie being serious.

This is me with my bags of food.

Last Friday afternoon I went with my IPC at Rite Aid for Personal Shopping.

I ended up paying $62.50 at Rite Aid all on personal cleaning supply and a new set of Salompas patch for my sciatic nerve on my back.

My weight on August 5 was 176.7lb

I run out of money of course.. My Case Manager and I talked about it.
She mentioned that I have enough left on my personal account and that Kim will be able to sign on my withdrawal.

I was given $40 by Anna weekly advance however it costed me $62.5-0 

I am running low on money 

Over the weekend..

I have time to show you the Trofie pasta with broccoli sauce 

Overnight Oats for sure

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