Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Wednesday April 6

Let's review the aspects of my day.

As  it is said I like to spend time blogging. Well there is nothing wrong with it.
I put my back to the podium and I do not disturb anybody. 

Yesterday I wrote a quick letter to my family.

I first cooked broccoli and made a good broccoli frittata.

I like cooking for  myself. 

I like to keep my diet healthy and get to eat what I like.
Protein from the eggs, carbs from the veggies and the fruit.

A balanced and rich diet.  

Most of time I have protein from  either lean white meat  or fish.

I always cook good food. Some time I run into minor a venial weakness of making some bad choices. It is OK overall I am trying to stay and eat  healthy.
I use my iPhone application to log my food intake and my exercise.

I am very independent as far as the meal preparation. I like to be and stay that way obviously.

Whenever it is possible I am making myself a meal.

Sunrise at the apartment, this morning I woke up early. I can not sleep past 5:45am or 6am ..

I go to bed at 9:30pm and my body wakes up automatically by itself after 8 hours of good sleep.

The beautiful sunrise of the morning hours.

Roses at the apartment

Stress aspects in life: 

The smell of smoking cigarette... I can't honestly stand it anywhere and anytime. 
Particularly when it is in the morning at transportation.

I wish it would be a smoke free place.... Well I am talking to you Mr

The person that zip around on a motorized wheelchair as if he were driving on a highway.

Obviously the ones who can't do anything more but smoking, do happily smoke. 

I honestly can not stand their aroma, their poor smells.

Please let them be but please do not smoke next or close to me. 

 I can not stand it and second had  smoking is bad for everybody

I am simply reacting to a bad situation.

Additionally the Spanish music in the morning played loud at transportation... another aspect  I come to fear tremendously. The bad words in Spanish,.. you see my day starts by having a clear view of what hell in earth can be like. And in fact in my opinion this is not far from it.

The whole scene makes my head hurting and in fact I normally have from Nursing a PRN (Tylenol)

It is a somatization  aspects of this foreign  stressing environment.

And of course my head hurts because of  my fault.
Yes because it is my own fault for being drawing into this place among you all.
 I feel it is my own damnation being among these people.

Yesterday evening I went to the gym and had body pump with Ellie.

The gym is a true home for me.. I like being there in the community.
Normally I greet Delia, Nick, Damian, Maria and many other people in the community.

They are all used to see me among there, they recognize the struggle it is for me walking in a normal way, moving my body in a clean and smooth way.
It is a struggle for me bending my legs, jumping and overall taking my knees as high as  my chest

I have been recognizing, they gave been recognizing it is all recognized. 

Over there I getting stronger and I am focused on general healthiness, repetition and range of motion.
Bending my legs.

It is place I like to be in as opposite to the AAC, I do not like to be here at all.
I am sure you already understood it.

Anyway afterward I had Zumba with Mile.
A light and funny aerobics dance

I went to the gym in the car with a bunch of other patients.

Among  them the ever present patient Nick. 

For the record I did not appreciate their mocking and crass attitude. 

Well I am not an individual that likes macho style humor.

I would like to state it for the record. I have never been playing in this league and I will not be playing in this league.

Simona and the boys are fine. The boys went to school as usual and Simona to work
Today the boys have piano with Liz.

The family has been fine for the past four years.. they are going to be fine for the next four years as well.

My mother commented that making frittata with broccoli is a good idea.
She cooked a home made pizza and a lentils soup.

By the way I have thrown the trash today as nobody else deems this action to be valuable or good enough for them.
Perhaps you should raise my salary,, after all I am trowing the trash that is left  over the stair - not mine .. 
You should check with Nick or the other guys how they feel about it.

And of course today there is the new schedule.
Then I will be booking for movie for Friday.


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