Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Tuesday April 19

Yesterday evening I went to the gym to do Yoga with Lilli.

The yoga teacher is very nice with the class. Being mindful and kind with one another are the qualities that are reflected during the Yoga practice. She is making arguments that are very close to the Meditation class we have at AAC.

The yoga class  is mentally relaxing while physically challenging..I did my very best during the class.
Vinyasa, sun salutation, Chaturanga, Happy Baby Pose, warrior I and warrior II  pose, Downward facing dog Pose, Cobra Pose and finally Plank Pose..

This is a challenging class with only the body as weight available.

 A lot of stretches and a lot of good range of motion exercises. At the class certain people are very very advanced and do a lot of hard things pose for me to do. I lack their flexibility and it is most definitely out of my reach.

After Yoga I took a cycle class with Tiffany.

This is a class with standing bikes. The resistance of the bike can be varied using a manual control. Following the teacher the class follows a simulated path of hills and flat road.

Before leaving I teased   Britney pretending I did not remember her name..asking for her name...
She mentioned teasing back she felt hurt by me forgetting her name..

At the gym I am doing my very best, staying as positive as possible working out and showing my positive quality of being grateful to get better and better... Well at least another 8 month to get better.. based on my next doctor appointment for my eye doctor..

While at the gym I took the chance of taking my weight, it is 181 lb

Anyway it is what it is..

After the gym I came back to the apartment relaxed and smiling.

The kids were at Taekwon do. The boys keep going on their activities as usual.
Last night they were sleeping happy and relaxed. At home the usual activities as everyday.

The family is pulling together its resources to keep the boys on track.

My mother in law Anna is  supporting my wife  Simona's activities with a selfless attitude.
The whole family is glad to have Anna with us for a bit.

Simona is fabulous a to me like the pictures of the flowers below..

Our kids understand they are very lucky..

At the AAC I have been reading the newspaper first.
I then had Meditation with Matt. This is the second to last time that Matt will be with us.
His family is moving to a different state and he is moving to a new adventure.

Here are the points reviewed in today's class.

Feeling. Breathing in and out sensitive to refreshment, sensitive to ease, sensitive to mental fabrication (thoughts)
Calming mental fabrication.

Mind: one train oneself " I'll breath in and out sensitive to the mind (mental quality)
I will breath in and out gladdening he mind
I will breath in and out steadying the mind.
One trains oneself I will breath in and out steadying the mind.

After our meditation time we had lunch,

I ate outside under the patio. It is a warm temperature during the day

I had my Portorico style lunch. Steamed broccoli, rice frittata a bit of chicken.
A lot of carrots and red grapes.

I am filling this blog and readying my book  on Nutrition

Diet and stress

Cortisol is a stress hormone. Period of fasting or excessive caloric restriction along with lack of adequate sleep  or too much stress may contribute to chronically high level of cortisol hormone levels.
Chronically elevated cortisol level, increase blood sugar, which my contribute to insulin resistance and promotes weight gain in the abdominal region  a component of metabolic syndrome..
Enjoy the reading 


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