Friday, April 8, 2016

Friday April 8

Can not believe this is real creation of Nature?

God is making sure that every day my eyes are  seeing incredibly beautiful creation.

It is so delicate,  the shape is so harmonic. The color is such a natural one like a real skin.

Roses are beautiful, aren't they?

Yesterday I went to the Foster Agency Homes of Hope where Miss Amanda's family works.

Here is another link to the center.

I met Amanda's husband. I am a bit formal but this is the way I am referring to him.

 He is  Dr  Mr Kilby Sir.

I greeted Marina and Brandon that work over there.

I met Amanda's daughters as well. Their name is Destiny and Kiana

The girls have a strong faith. They told me they go to church, they dance, they are being brought up  as my kids, happy and with  a lot of interesting activities in their life.

I am enjoying the voluntary activity very much.

I am working on a computer records that I am building slowly and surely.

I am starting to go there more often, possibly twice a week. On Tuesday and Thursday.

I came back and went to the apartment at home.

I had dinner and went to the gym

The Zumba evening had been cancelled.
I did work on my own program. I enjoyed this way.

I was able to catch the tail end of cycle with Britney.

I set my bike on high so that I could fully extend my legs.

As usual at about 7pm it was time to go back at home at the apartment.

David brought me to the gym and then came to pick me up as well.

As a though yesterday: happiness is being able to enjoy life at the fullest.

With Jolanta we agreed that right now I am focusing on the activities that make me feel good.

Sports, cooking, keeping the apartment clean, taking care of my family,

Of  Simona and of our kids.

The evening activity of our  kids was Taekwondo

Coming back at the apartment I was feeling well

Today it  is drizzling.

Araceli came to pack my meds for this evening movie outing.

Anyway the Roses  this morning have are  more beautiful than ever. 

It was drizzling early so they have water droplets on their petals.

Enjoy this wonder of nature.

Simona mentioned that last night she went to bed at 1pm and then wake up at 6pm to work.
She is working hard because she has no choice but to do so.
At home Anna is helping her with our kids.

By the way at the apartment there is a new person at the maintenance department.
His name is David

I had lunch today at AAC. Although I had brought  food with me, I enjoyed the rice we were offered at AAC.

It is with veggy and pineapple. A good combination of nutrient.

Enjoy the reading

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