Monday, April 11, 2016

Monday April 11 2016

I had a good weekend.

Last Friday I had therapy in the morning. I came back at the apartment and wrote a nice letter to my boys. It is called doing THP (Therapeutic Home Program)

In my case small movement related to writing is good for eye-hand coordination.

In the evening I went to the movie outing  to see the Boss with Melissa McCarthy.

I enjoyed the movie outing very much.

I had a green tea and edamame as a snack.

I talked to Simona about the movie.
I was happy to share with her my experience of seeing a good and funny movie.

Unfortunately she did not  see it that way.. She told me that she is not the boss.

She sounded to me bitter and nervous about this aspect of her  life.

It is not my fault really, I was not meant to turn out this way.

Yet it happened and happened to me..

Well I am the one confined withing this wall, the one confined withing the current constraints, day in and day out.

It would have been different had not be it for this matter called TBI called a great  break down in my own life.. Called a ..

Last Saturday the usual activity of the weekend.

I cleaned the whole apartment house, washed all my items, changed my bed and washed my bathrobe.
I like to keep my items in order and as clean as possible

I went to do grocery shopping at Trader Joe's. A place I like very much, a bit expensive. Certainly more expensive than the Winco stores and the Wallmart stores. Well who said I should go for the cheap store alternative..,

And this time the bill was a cool  $ 101.36
Yet I had all sort of good nutrients, good and simple food. 

Over there I met Emily from the clinic in Ashe Rd.

Of course I purchased good food for me.

Also I purchased some chocolate for the therapists at CNS.
They appreciated my gesture.

Over the weekend evening it has been raining.

I walked by these beautiful roses and snapped a great picture of the flowers at the apartment.

 Last Saturday I had time to cook a home made pizza.

I had purchased the whole grain dough from Trader Joe's. 

It was time to use the dough as it would otherwise expire.

I used pizza tomato sauce, burrata cotto ham and  basil.

As the pizza was cooking I wrote another letter to my kids

I cooked  pizza in the stove using the pizza stone I have.

I used the peeler (long wooden shovel) to handle the pizza.

I used coarse Corn Maize on the pizza stone to facilitate the  pizza"lift off"  process.

And the pizza came out very well.

Baking pizza is very similar to working to  a semiconductor manufacturing process.
It requires thinking ahead about the exact steps of the manufacturing job.

As the pizza was cooking I had the time to wrote a letter to my mother in Italy.

I wrote to her in Italian, addressed to Verona and sent it last Saturday.

It typically takes ten days to reach her.

On Sunday April 10 I went to S.Philips the Apostle church

It is a very nice local church. I met over there Carolyn.

I gave as a charity to church the balancing of my outing money. It was $4.25 

For lunch I cooked a good rice frittata.

I cooked the rice first, mixed it with a few eggs, added some spices.

On Sunday after lunch I walked to the gym by myself.

I checked out, let them know about my destination.
Walked carefully on the side walk, respected the green and red to cross at the intersection.

It is a bit more than a miles to go and a mile to walk back.

Once  I reached the gym I called CNS to let them know I was there

I am enjoying my lonely walk,away from them and from you

I worked out following my own program.

I focused on repetition, precision and range of motion.

I am not a big guy. My ambition is only  to stay fit, I need to work on my my lower extremity.

 I am working also on my core for balance. 

Finally I weighted myself  as every Sunday I am there.

After my routine I called CNS to let them know I was leaving.

I walked back by myself, signed back in on time for my 5pm metagenics.

At the gym I noticed a very flashy car. I snapped a picture of it.

Too flashy and not family friendly.

Here is the picture of it anyway.
I believe it belong to a local medical doctor.

In the meanwhile my mom in Italy is relaxing and enjoying her time back home

She sent me this picture of herself from the balcony of our apartment in Italy

This is my mom's breakfast the other day.

Her companion radio is showing. I am like her, I lessen to NPR most of the time.
In reality over the weekend there was a bit of a commotion 

As a result I followed the procedure.

I walked at the reception, asked for a complain form.

Filled in nicely, explain the reason and the complaint.

I took a picture of and gave it for filing at the reception.

I have already been asked about what KaiZen corresponds to?

It corresponds to Change for the better in the Japanese.

The first character is Kai= Change, the second is Zen=Good

I have been asked before what it refers to... Yet it is not difficult to google the concept.

I learnt in my job while handling Management matters.. You see when you are a real dedicated person you can learn things of the world.  

Today I walked at the park. As usual I thrown away all the CNS trash that I was let found along my way. I am used to it it is fine.

I snapped these pictures of the park.

Enjoy the reading

Today I brought some chocolate that I had at the apartment.

According to the feedback I have it was a very good one,

I  stopped eating chocolate myself. I stooped liking to do a lot of  things.

I stopped caring for things I used to care before.. before being in this state.

Home made breakfast. High fiber cereal, nuts, milk, flax Seeds reach of Omega 3 nutrients.

I had a tough time eating inside the clinic, there is not enough space, I was bumped several times by wheelchair people.

I ate but as you all know in French it is called La bouffe.. which is the pasture for the animal.
Yet I feel that cows do not eat like it either. I quickly ate up my food.., it looked to me  like eating without savoring nor gathering pleasure from the act of eating. It was an awful experience, really absurdly awful.

I give a low star rating to today's environment..

According to my current feeling and experience it is a very humbling and awful feeling been confined at the present place at the present moment.

Can you feel the pain and sorrow in my words?

By the way I should start paying back using the same limited amount of patience and good will..

It is perhaps a matter to discuss with you and you CNS are better making sure this words have an effect on you...

I just rely the information to CNS and we have  understood each other regarding this matter.

Enjoy the reading

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