Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Wednesday April 13 2016

Yesterday after therapy I came back home to the apartment and cooked myself a good asparagus frittata

I first cooked the asparagus then mixed with a couple of eggs.
It was a delicious dinner.

Protein, fiber and carbs.

Our kids had homework at home, Anna was with them to follow their activities.

Both the boys are independently able to do their homework.

Chicco is 10 and very independent. Lapo has a project for school and requires Anna's supervision. She in my mother in law. She is normally residing in Rome Italy. When Simona has a plan to travel for her work, Anna is covering for her by coming to stay with us in La Canada.
At home over there there is a large and comfortable part of the house dedicated for her accommodation. 
It is a private quarter dedicate for our  guests. She is comfortably staying with us.

At the apartment I found brand new furniture for my living room.

A new recliner a a brand new couch.

My apartment is looking really nice.

I like to keep it as clean as possible as right now it is my house.

It has been my house for the past years, and I like to keep is at my best.

Anyway after dinner I  cleaned  my dishes and went to the gym.
I typically wash the dish  hand as it saves water.

Beside I  typically do not accumulate too many dishes  for myself.

I run the dish washer once in a while, to make sure it is kept up and working.

Yesterday I  was at the gym on time.

I greeted Karen who was there before me.  I did have time to do body pump with Ellie, light weight and repetition. 

Range of motion and  working on my legs and  balance.

I have been focusing on my lower extremity reeducation, on my overall posture and sense of well being. 

At the gym I am protecting my back as I do not want to strain it any longer... a very painful self inflicted accident to have.

At the gym they all know me very well.. and they are all working with me to make sure I am safe and doing well.

Finally after Ellie I had Zumba with Mike. 

At 7pm as agreed with Lisa it was time for me to leave and to go back to the apartment.

After the gym before leaving I took a selphie to show I was feeling well.

Lisa drove me there and came to take me back on time.

I went back to the apartment with other patients.
We stopped a long at a local shop as they had to buy some water.

It was very late for me so I went inside the shop and got a snack for me as I was hungry.
I choose a box of  Quinoa cracker.
The least unhealthy snack I could find at the store.

I enjoyed it a lot.

I had my evening shower got my evening banana for potassium and my evening meds. 

I went to bed at 9:30pm when I had my Ambient.

I wake up at 6am as usual after an uneventful night.. meaning it has all been very quite. Slept well indeed. Without hear plugs as it has been quite at the apartment,.

This morning I  did all my morning activities. I also took care of the apartment by letting maintenance know that I needed their help to fix a dead screw in my bathroom.

I had a good breakfast today. A lot of milk, a yogurt, blueberry and a bit of coffee.

I am using a lot of flax deeds that I am sprinkling on my my yogurt and on my cereal.

Simona and the boys are fine. Yesterday the boys were at home as they had homework to do.

Anna is following their activities as Simona is busy at Caltech.

Our eldest Chicco is 10 and he is definitely independent.

Our youngest Lapo is very conscious as well. 

Marina always says that "Lapo es listo" which means "Lapo is smart"

The boys are doing great, they are following their activities at home while I am following my program here at CNS.

Each of us has its own program to follow.

At CNS my Case Manager is making sure I doing better and better.
Also the director of AAC Amanda K. is making sure I am OK.

All therapists at CNS are looking after all the patients.

The daily flowers at the apartment are the following ones..

It is hard for me to pass by and resist  snapping a couple of pictures 

It makes a great picture for a great camera phone.

Beside I am sending it to Simona and to everybody I am caring for..

As usual at the apartment I am helping around with throwing whatever box of trash that is left around. As  I have been told many times, if it is not yours do not do it...
well I like to think it is left for me to work on it.,
When I feel like throwing I am working on it.

Here at AAC I have been reading the important fact of the newspaper for today.

Afterward I am feeling my daily blog per my program.

Today it is my day for turning the receipt in at the apartment. 

I am typically balancing my outing money. I an using it for movie outing on Friday, a snack (edamame and green tea). Last tune it was $19.75

I am offering for church at S. Philips the Apostle in Bakersfield typically  between $4.25 and $5.25

On the grocery shopping it is a bit more hard for me to keep things under control.

I eat at the apartment very well, I like to buy healthy and good food.

I am always spending a bit more on the grocery shopping.

I am shopping at Trader Joe's. My grocery bill is certainly not cheap.. I am trying to stay focused on my list. I have a very various and healthy grocery list.

There are certainly cheap places to shop like Winco or Walmart.

Yet I do not like them. I have been a few times at Winco.

 It has not been a good experience for me.
I am set for Trader Joe's. I feel I am a loyal and happy customer of them.

I am regularly checking on my food to make sure the expiration date is  in range.

 hence I am eating first was it due to expire next.

I am fairly independent on this matter.

I like to eat a lot of great food, veggy. I have my protein from my white meat (chicken), I eat Tilapia fish on a regular basis. I eat a lot of eggs. It is a superfood for the body.

I  like to sprinkle my salad using flax seeds. I can use it on the morning in my yogurt.
It is a good source of Omega 3 fatty acid.

Enjoy the reading ..time to eat.

As a lunch I brought me a sandwich. It was a peanut butter jelly sandwich. 

As a side carbs from fruits: apple and kiwi.

I guess for the level of physical activity at AAC, I am set for a light sandwich.

I then eat more in the morning and in the evening at the apartment where I feel there is much less commotion and I have things under control.

Tomorrow another sandwich.

I called my mom in Italy
Her voice is happy and her wit very important to me.

It has been raining back there. 
The rain came from Africa and brought some sand with it.

My mother told me that the cars  were covered by a think layer of sand.

I received the picture above from her.

This Sunday Simona is taking the plane to go to Portorico at San Juan.

She is going there to attend a conference on Tropical Meteorology.
She is going to be three hours ahead of California.

Simona will be staying out for the whole week. 

Anna is going to take care of the kids while she is gone.

I am sure Simona is going to take back some Coconut for the whole family


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