Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Wednesday April 20

I slept well last night, I feel rested and well inclined to work.

I have been kidding with M. in the bus a lot. I like talking with this person and to tease about my day.

Yesterday evening I went to do Personal Shopping at Walmart.

It is  an activity I am not doing that often. Perhaps it is once a month whenever I run out of Personal product.

I was low on Listerine Mouth Wash so I went to buy some. I purchased the Walmart brand as it is cheaper and I can buy two quarts together..

I also got this new water bottle..It is a thermal water bottle to keep it cool.

Before going to Personal Shopping I enjoyed my time cooking. I cooked the  Eggplant I purchased last Saturday.

I sliced it into thin slice, cooked on both sides on the hot pan.

Once ready I put it on a plastic container with shredded basil, salt, olive oil and garlic powder.

I will let it soak for a day or the fridge. 

I am planning to use it in a salad or whatever I feel like on the moment. 

Perhaps on the fish I am planning to make for today

At the apartment I let the frozen Tilapia defrosting in the fridge,

Tilapia Fish and baked eggplant is a very inventive combination to make..

It is a warm day today in Bakersfield.

The track suit I am using in the morning is a fleece one. 

Too hot for the current time of the year.

Yesterday I searched for a lighter track suit at  Walmart but they had nothing available.

I looked on line at Amazon and I could not see anything that is of a light fabric.

Today's flowers..

The kids are fine. Last night the whole family slept well and we all had a good night.

My wife Simona is doing well she is as usual a very busy lady. Yet she finds the time to stay in touch with the family she loves and takes care of.

She is a very powerful and strong person.
I own a lot to my wife and Anna her mom.

Enjoy the reading

It is time to eat

During lunch my mom called me from Italy. She is doing fine, she is planning to go to see a movie at the local theater.

A kind person called me as well, It is to let me know about a local event.
It is the 2016 Saving Strokes event to be held at the Stockdale Country Club,

Last year I took part to the event and I enjoyed it very much.
 It was very well organized,

As my wife is

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