Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Tuesday April 26

Today we had a last group session with Matt.

He will be moving elsewhere  to a different activity

Yesterday I had a good dinner.

I make scrambled eggs and had some leftover tabbouleh I purchased at Trader  Joe's last Saturday 

I went to the gym 
Our kids were already at Taekwon-do

Finally after cleaning the apartment I went  to the gym
Yesterday I had Yoga with Lilly and then cycle with Lolita.

I set the bike at the level so that I could fully extend my legs, very important for my recovery.

At 7pm was time for me to leave.

I was left at the gym until later.

As I was feeling hungry at 7:30pm I purchased a Protein bar.
I paid  $3.00 for this bar.

Anyway at some point during the evening transportation decided to show up and to drive me back to the apartment.

I had the chance of noticing that Maria has a white Mercedes convertible.
Yesterday she was driving the car with the top down

At the apartment I  took my night shower and meds.

I slept well and in the morning I was ready to go for my day,

The local flowers at the apartment

My daily walking in the park enjoying the hair and calm of the day. As Matt calls it  a bit of walking meditation in the morning.

Today I was supposed to go the the Homes of hope to do voluntary job.

I was given the choice to either go there or stay at AAC.

As this was the last time Matt was here in Bakersfield I stayed to take part to his last class.

Simona is doing well, she is busy with our kids,
Today the kisds' activity is homework,

Simona let me know she has renewed my gym membership for another year.
This is the gym I am going 
I like it very much.

I am there most of the weekdays at 5:45pm 
It is part of my therapy day 
I do not do any PT therapy at CNS, my PT is all at the gym over there 

This is a map of the local streets.

The apartment is located on Gosford st. The 24 fitness gym is located south on Gosford, about one mile away.
I am walking on Sunday to the gym by myself. I like the walk very much.

Enjoy the reading

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