Friday, April 15, 2016

Friday April 15

Today is tax day. It is the day when we all pay our tax to Uncle Sam. Unless we have filed for an extension in this case there is a bit more time.

Yesterday evening was my usual busy day..

When I came back to the apartment I  ate the food I had available first so that not to waste it;

Then I cleaned the  dishes and the apartment and went to the gym

It was my Zumba day with Mike. 
It is a good cardio workout I enjoy it very much,

At the class I greeted Lucy. I did not see her for long time.

After Zumba I had cycle with Britney.

I set my bike on high so that I could fully extend my legs,

Before leaving I snapped a picture with her.

At the gym all the instructors are used to this little routine of mine.

Afterward I was feeling well and full of energy.

Selena drove me  back to the apartment with a Nick and another person. 

Selena is an NRS while the other guys  are going to the Ashe clinic rather than coming to the Mt. Vernon clinic.

After a shower I had my night meds and a snack.

I snacked on  the latest Tostadas I had from Simona.
However these ones were old and  tasted horrible.

I  through it away immediately. I do not want to have  food poisoning or something like that.

This morning I had my usual home made breakfast
Cereal, nuts, flax seeds, milk, yogurt, coffee and foamed milk.

A good and healthy way to get through the day. The bad tastes of the Tostadas is perusing in my mouth.

The roses at the apartment are just perfect for the season.

Every time I pass by I can't avoid snapping a picture of these beautiful flowers.

This link explains the meaning of yellow roses

I am trying to editing this image to have a better frame.

Beautiful roses... every day it makes me thinking about my wife Simona.

At the AAC I went thou the newspapers salient news and events. At about 11 am it is time for me to leave the floor and to work on the computer to fill my blog about my daily event.

It is used to measure my daily  adjustment and my recent routine.
I told Brandy hi from her cousin Tami.
It is OK

At the apartment Lonrentz the Great told me he is going to visit his family to Denver Colorado for a whole week.
I  mentioned that Lapo was born in Boulder Colorado and that I know Denvers' airport very well.

At the time Simona was doing a postdoc at NCAR, I was still working in LA and used to commute every couple of week between LA and Denver for the weekend.

Here is a picture of the airport in Denver.

Memories.. enjoy the reading

Chart of my weight for the last couple of months.

Before leaving a works of gratitude to CNS, to my wife, my mother in law Anna, my mother  Marta back in Italy.

I will see you on Monday


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