Friday, April 22, 2016

Friday April 22

Yesterday I went to do Voluntary job   a the Homes of hope.
It is where I do a simple back office work for the center.

For the time being it is low pressure. 

I am helping the agency with some office work.
Brandon, Marina and all the people over there are helping me a lot.
They do understand why I am there and the reason that has brought me there.

They also understand the pressure I can take at the moment.

This is the parrot hope

She is Miss Amanda's daughter. The lady at  her right is a kind person working over there.

Over there I was offered lunch. I had a good Pizza.

I do not eat that often this food, I enjoyed eating it.

 I then  came back at the apartment.
I carefully made my grocery list for this  Saturday.

 I  then started cooking the Tilapia I have been defrosting.

I  cooked it with bread crumbs and with simple spices. 
I  put in the oven for about 10 minutes following instruction.

As a side a healthy salad with Cherry Tomatoes, cucumber, nuts and Chia seeds.

Olive Oil, balsamic vinegar as Italian dressing of course.

After dinner I cleaned the dishes by hand and went to the gym

Finally I had the chance of seeing Caroline at the Zumba class. She covered for Mike who was not there last night.
My schedule has changed and now on Friday I am going to the catch a movie rather than going  to the  gym

Caroline and deuces sign

After the  Zumba session I did cycle with Britney.

Long strive, extending my legs and keeping the tempo going.

Of course the gym is the place I enjoy staying with many local and interesting people.

Feeling well at the gym.

As I was exiting the gym I met Cassie. She greeted me "Hi Joseph" and mentioned that she might see  at church on Sunday at S.Philippe the Apostle.

After the gym I came back to the apartment.

The kids were back from Taekwon do and they had  Paglia e Fieno Pasta with meatball sauce.

They are very well taken of.

My healthy breakfast...
Cereal, milk, yogurt, flax seeds. A cup of coffee. Foamed milk with my coffee.

The local park is very nice during this time of the year. The weather is getting hotter and hotter.

Time to go
I had lunch at the AAC.

Ragu pasta with garlic bread. 
Enough to fuel my body for today.

I  do not eat that often it
I liked  my lunch today.

I was also offered a soda, but I declined and had water instead.

I am off the hook with the sodas. I am happy that way.

Once you are happy to sway away from it, you feel well.

I carefully brushed my teeth to make sure it is fine.

For the weekend I am leaving the toothpaste, toothbrush, mouthwash and floss at AAC in my cabinet.

I called back home and left a voice mail on the answering machine.

Today our kids are going to be busy again.

Our youngest is going to a Birthday party.

He eldest is gong to play tennis

Reading my book about nutrition next


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