Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Tuesday April 5

Running the mediation group today as Matt was  unavailable in the morning.
I did my very best in filling in for him.

He came to greet me after lunch and to let me know that I did a good job.
Even Miss Amani was there today and she was very positive on my lecture.
Miss Amani is doing well, she does not have any longer a cast at her leg.

It is always great meeting friendly people in the community.

Whenever I meet her at the gym I am always happy to see her over there.

Here is a snap shot of today's lecture of mine at the white board.. simply based on my experience and on my recollection.

Walking in  the park in the morning.

It is really getting warm and my gym  sweater is way too warm for the current weather condition.
As my program states. I am enjoying taking pictures of the scenery and of the local flowers.

Beautiful and delicate roses for today

Yesterday I had Yoga with Lilli  and then cycle with Lolita my  usual sport activity of the Monday evening

I set the bike high so that I could stretch my leg appropriately.

At 7pm it was time for me to leave and Norberto was waiting for me outside the gym to bring me back home.

Recently the boys had a hair cut. 

They look happy to be in La Canada, with Simona. Chicco on the left appears to be tired. Lapo on the right is still bubbling or he is simply  yawning. 
 Chicco has a book with him. Right now he is in the phase when he is always going around with a book to read.
In this respect he is like Simona.

Simona told me that the boys  might have had shorter hair  still.

the boys looks amused because Simona  was taking a picture of them.

Time to eat lunch.

I had a good light lunch outside under the patio. Outside it is warmer than inside.
A  rich salad with corn, tomatoes, cucumber and Salmon.

Some Ezekiel bread and a piece of fruit.

Eating healthy, carbs, protein and  fibers.

Carbs from the salad, fruit and the bread. Protein is from the salmon and the oil.

In the morning I started having my cereal together with Flax seeds. 

It is a seed very rich in omega 3 fatty acid.

The weather is getting warm,  Today I am wearing jeans and a short sleeves polo.
Simona told me the warm temperature is not going to last, the weather is going to turn cooler in the near future for the weekend.

I have to say that the current weather temperature is confusing my sense.

I am not sure what to expect during the day nor how to dress during my day.

I am normally dressed too much or too little.

I am simply confused. We have agreed to bring a sweater and to leave it on my locker.
It is a good plan I will be implementing starting tomorrow.
Temperature for the next few days. It is getting warm and then rainy for the weekend.
Hopefully we will have some rain as well.

1 comment:

  1. Ciao Giuseppe anche qui a Verona sta facendo un caldo fuori stagione e hai ragione non si sa come vestirsi. O troppo pesanti o troppo leggermi. Sembra che nel fine settimana cambierà il tempo. Vedremo. Le tue foto dei fiori sono bellissime. Molto bravo. I tuoi bambini sono anche bellissimi
