Monday, April 4, 2016

Monday April 4

I had  a very busy weekend at the apartment.

I stayed busy and enjoyed my own time.

Last Friday April 1 we had lunch at the  Harris Park and a few activities over there.

I played Jenga at the park.

In the evening  I went to see a movie Batman vs Superman.

The movie made more than $400M at the box office.

Well at the box office it is clearly a great success.

The market reception was very good and  the movie made a lot of money.

It is the second installment of this very lucky franchise.

Most likely it will be followed by more sequels in order to build on the current momentum.

The movie I saw was in Atmos technology.

 It is a 3D sound technology and  it makes an immersive experience going to the movie theater.

At the movie Igreeted  Morgana who came  hack from her school break.

I had a green tea and Edamame. No more soda nor ice cream.

The ticket is $11 while for the snack it is $9.75
The total is $20.75. This leaves $4.25 for church offering.

Eating healthy and cleansing the body from the bad food.

I showed her images of Lapo having a birth cake for his birthday. In fact  turned 7 year old.
Yes he is an April fool boy.

I was sent this picture from Italy.
It is of my sister's Elementary school.
It is a very old picture. About 40 years old.

Last Saturday the usual routine. Cleaning my apartment, washing it all you know.

It as it has been a few years it happens.

Hence I feel I do not have to get into the details of this matter.

I then went to do grocery shopping as usual at Trader Joe's

I spent $79.26.  This time I stayed light, it means I was not frustrated nor distracted by any marketing offering.

The routine is always the same: grocery list to stick to, stickers and bags to reuse...

A picture with Meredith  at my left.

In the afternoon Simona came with the boys.
As Lapo turned seven  on April 1st we went to eat at California Pizza Kitchen and to celebrate Lapo's birthday with a family meal all together.

Simona  brought a present for me. It is a Lego set to play with.

They both seemed happy to be together.

Chicco sat next to me to enjoy a good meal

I had pasta with seafood, however they added Parmesan cheese on it.

A combination that is hardly considered authentic to the Italian food.

The boys had maccaroni and cheese and chicken nuggets.

Lapo enjoyed his Sundae.

Afterward Simona took the family to Barnes and Nobles.

Lapo had to buy a new and latest Lego set.

 I found a book myself about nutrition and I started reading it.

Simona's comment about the book was "Another book that you will never read"

Last  Sunday the usual routine.

I went to S. Philips church. The offering to church was the left from my outing money.
I had $4.25 left to give at church.

At church I met Cassie with her grandma Rose.

 I normally see Cassie at the gym where she is teaching. I will see her there soon or later.

On Sunday I walked to the gym from the apartment by myself.

At the gym I greeted Leon and his wife Suzy.

The procedure to follow to walk to the gym by myself  is the following one:

1) sign out and let them know about the destination place (gym)
2) once I reached the place call them to let them know I was there
3) Stay at the gym for about one hour
4) Before leaving the gym call CNS to let them know I was leaving
5) Sign back in once you reach CNS destination.

It is all good... walking along the walkways and respect the green light to cross the street.

Afterward a good frittata

Our kids had a hair cut or as Simona says they are Scocuzzati ( it is an Italian words for getting a hair cut done)

The local rose are getting really beautiful  ... as it said in my program Giuseppe likes to snap picture of the local flowers..

I was able to reach Simona after my lunch break. She actually messaged me and then called me.

She mentioned that our kids will be going to   Taekwondo today.
They are also attending a post school program where  they will be playing chess.

Simona told met the boys have been playing chess for quite some time. I did not know about it.

I am sure they are enjoying their activity.

Have a good reading


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