Friday, November 11, 2016

Friday November 11 2016

Today is Veteran day.. there are parades and assembly here in Bakersfield to commemorate and salute the veterans of this county. Men and woman that served in the military at different times are celebrated today.

I personally never served in the military. At the time I was in Italy -when I was 24- the draft was compulsory for every man above 24 years of age. As a replacement I  went to work at Cern in Geneva  Switzerland. I applied an old law which was  meant to be used for emigrant people. I used it as I emigrated to Geneva, Switzerland from Italy for a couple of years.

So I  am proud that I made my choice and it paid off.

Last night I  had a good night, slept well and waked up early..I am not sleeping at home as I am at CNS because of my brain injury. My real house is in La Canada.

This morning I made the mistake of calling home in La Canada. As it is a day off from school the family was still sleeping.  I made the mistake of waking up my wife.. she picked up the phone...You know she is clearly not worrying at all about me. She never calls me at the right time...
I am used to be and stay away from the family anyway...

Well the only thing that I remember is not to call them on weekend. Today it was an honest mistake...

Nothing major nothing at all.

I wake up early so that I could get to the newspaper  machine. However it refused to open and stole the money that CNS gave me to buy the newspaper.

I am used to this old mechanical junk... it is an antiquate distribution system from the past century.
I do not know why the Bakersfield California is distributed this way ... obviously they have not figured out a better way.. or CNS does not have any interest in getting to the XXI century.

I did not asked for  the money back from CNS... I do not believe it is a situation that I care to correct any longer.

Here is me walking at the nearby park.

Yesterday evening I filed a complaint about  my IPC Brandy...

She is the IPC (Innovation Program Coordinator) in charge.

Yes I am a bold person that thinks that  at CNS I am expected to be receiving a certain level of service.

I am annoyed  at her as she is clearly taking advantage of the situation. She has not given the money I asked for.

I am using the words annoyed very consciously  and this is the way I am feeling toward her.

This is the way every time I am facing with a person that does not execute on his/her functions this means that he/she does not do his/her job properly.

The way I look at the situation is that Brandy is infringing the fiduciary duty that she has been entrusted by receiving and retaining  the money from Simona for my Personal Account.

I am annoyed  at you Brandi because you are clearly taking advantage of your position.

You said please let me know when you need money.... haven't you?

Or is my fault that I do not remember your words...

All  I can do is to file a complaint for Laurie  (the Site Manager) and Vanessa Cortez

Remember Brandi there are other people above you. 

Remember that later you will be judged  by the way you have behaved in life. 

You too will be facing a Judgement for all of your actions. 

Remember that nobody lasts forever and that you all shall  face a judgement day.

On my side I am not concerned at all. I faced and passed my judgement day.

Enough said about you..

As I am logging my activity of yesterday: I cooked polpettone. It was time to use the turkey ground meat. Keeping track of the expiration date of the food in the fridge.

First I made a soffritto with Carrot, celery and onions and sliced potatoes using Coconut Oil.

I mixed the soffritto with ground turkey meat, added a couple of eggs, bread crumble and broken a few tostadas. The bread is to provide consistency.

I made sure to flavor the meatloaf with salt, oregano and  garlic powder.

I made two distinct  pieces of meatloaf. I rolled it using aluminum foils and cooked it the oven.

As a result of  the cooking activity I did not go to the gym.

Yesterday it was the time of Scott and Cassie.. oh well you go ahead and keep doing what you are doing guys...I do not like Scott he is a new dude and he barely knows what to do.

Cassie on the other hand is a kind  and  nice person,  I am gladly staying away for a while.

My mother sent me from Italy the following Fall image

It represent a Fall composition: cabbage, radicchio (red radish), apples and a black truffle.

She mentioned she is going to use the truffle in a risotto within the next few days.

I showed to Barbara the above image of the truffle. She knows what truffle is yet we talked about what actually tastes like. She mentioned that there are no truffle here in California.

We talked about the way one hunts for truffle. Using pigs or dogs to sniff the truffle out from the field.

And of course this morning I called my mother back in Italy to ask about her doing.

She mentioned that she is having some physiotherapy  at her legs as she has trouble walking.

I mentioned that I need money as  nobody is giving me money. I put a cash request the other day.  I am supposed to compile a cash request for CNS withing 24  to 48 hours to access the money.

I talked early this morning to Miss. Murray at the CNS 

(by the way nice Mercedes Jeep you drive CNS must be paying you a nice salary).

She talked to the office and came up with the answer that this is a matter to be discussed between Brandy and Simona my  wife...

I am awfully annoyed by all this mirroring ping pong and not taking responsibility .. As mentioned above I called my mother  in Italy and asked her  for money to be send to me...

This  normally annoys  my wife... so be accept it darling.

 It is all the doing of CNS and your negligence with my own request.

In fact you never send me a note, an email a cards.. it is fully understood you are focused on being yourself with your job... yes without your job the family goes South.
Nevertheless it is going South it has been going South since you took over.

Why do I need money?

Because I never have the chance to having you to provide me food..

And when you do,  like the other day when you had the thank you dinner.. it was a counted per capita food... dear CNS.

Polpettone di tachhino, a salad with greens and cooked eggplant Tostadas and an apple.

Where the money goes dear  Insurance?

The money is eaten for food, dear Insurance.. I do not like to eat junk food.. can you blame me?

I prize myself of maintaining a certain standard of eating. 
No empty calories, no sodas, no ice cream, no juice (too much sugar) no eating at the Mt Vernon Clinic I am always eating my own food.

So let's talk to the Insurance again to make sure we are on the same airwaves regarding this matter.

Have a great weekend

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