Friday, November 4, 2016

Friday November 4 2016

The Presidential Election is fast approaching.
On November the 8th the counry will vote.

The two candidates are feeling the heat of the closing days.

Right now Miss  Clinton  has a tight margin over Mr Trump.

For a very interesting chart please follow the this link.

It has been a fierce and hard fought campaign overall.

A lot of money has been spent from both parties and candidates during this process.

At time it has been an ugly  campaign, showing how harsh can become the political debate.

I am frankly hoping for the first woman to be President.

I have my faith in the American people, honesty and balanced reality.

Yet we  will see on November the 8th. The Election is a few days away.

The future might have a huge surprise after all.

You never know the will of the people until the whole Election process is completed.

Most of the people I am talking to have already cast their ballot by mail.

California is a historical strong hold for the Democratic party.

 So it goes by itself that most people here are leaning for Miss Clinton.

Yet at the gym I am talking with Wayne. He is a hardcore Republican. He has no concerns of using very colorful and disrespectful words to describe the person he does not like.

Yesterday evening after therapy  I had a quick and healthy dinner.

I believe part of it is shown in this picture. I do not remember much about it.

Afterward I cleaned the apartment, signed out and went to the gym by myself.

I signed out at 5:30 pm, walked to the gym  and arrived at 5:57 pm

I had Body Combat with Scott. After the workout I had cycle with Cassie.

Scott is probably a new persons so he was reversing his routine by following a master plan laid out on the floor in front of himself.

Cassie is a seasoned trainer at the gym, she knows quite well her routine and how to motivate the class.

Finally at 7:10pm I was done. I greeted Cassie- she mentioned see you next Sunday at church.

I then called CNS to let them know I was done.
Brandy picked up and send an NRS (Crystal)  to pick me up.

As the van was out, it stopped at Body exchange to pick up Kathy, another patient at CNS.

Breakfast this morning.

This morning I've been having a terrible headache.
It has happened to me before.

Whenever something goes wild in my head, it is a terrible pain. It goes across my temples as if I had two needles planted through my skulls.
This is the best way to describe it anyway.

In the morning as always I have been doing my walking in the park

It is a nice and cold day.

Walking with large stride keeping up with my balance and physical fitness in the morning.

The flowers at the apartment are always a great subject for my phone.

I know it is every day a pictures... well better the flowers than the NRS or the patients at CNS.

Rules do apply at CNS after all.

I had a terrible ride at CNS, with patient G. L.  drooling over my shoulder. Whenever there is a bad ride my head goes wild...

Well probably it should be noted that I do not like to ride the van with other patients leaning on me.

I used to flight Southwest airlines, yet passengers over there were respectful and it was understood it was a commercial airline. People were there as there was a clear goal to their flight.

No patient G. L. whatsoever to lean over me and to sleep over my shoulder...

I am not sure the CNS realizes  this matter. Or if it does it is not willing to accommodate a better ride anyway.

At the Home of Hope there is hardly anybody today.

Miss Vee is here and a few more people that I normally meet here.

Because  I normally bring food with me I was not expecting to have food here unlike the ones that have stayed at the clinic in Mt Vernon. They were expecting food to be provided to them by CNS.

I am not expecting any food, so here it is the food I had been eating today.

A good chicken broth with Basmati rice.  I cooked it the other day.

I added a turkey meat ball that I had frozen ahead of time.

 Together with the chicken of the broth it makes a very nice combination.

As a fruit I had really good and colorful grapes. In season and really healthy.

I am trying to stay hydrate as much as possible. Hopefully this headache I have been having today goes away.

I am suffering of headache on a regular basis. Whenever the atmosphere is too stressful for me at the clinic, in the van or whenever people are smoking next to me my head goes wild. I like to be left alone by myself. I do not like to be with other patients of CNS...

Everybody says relax...
Yes do relax by  going away from the clinic at CNS (signing out procedure)

In a couple of days the clock is going to be set back one hour. DST ends and it is going to Standard time.
This means the day light  time is going to be shorten.

Winter time is getting there.

I know that my internal clock (circadian cycle) will be really slow in n adjusting to this schedule.

I can  not sleep no matter what, no matter the days of the week nor the season I can not stay in bed past a certain time. It is stronger than me, it has always and will always be this way.

I have a clean schedule for sleeping. I get my sleeping med by 9pm, this means I am going in bed by that time (Melatonin, Trazodone and Ambien is a good cocktail for sleeping).

Next week is going to be one with a lot of  medical appointment.
On November 9 I am  going to pick up the retainer for my teeth. 
My wife Simona had to pay out of pocket $500 so I am most definitely going to use it.

On November the 10th I have an MRI and MRA (Angiography) for my head.

the results of  the medical imaging procedure are going to be added to a CD.
It is coming with me when I am going to visit Dr Alois Zauner in Santa Barbara at some point in not so distant future

He his the neurosurgeon who has operated me at the head several years ago.

He has not seen me since 2012. I am sure he will check my shunt and my eyes carefully.

At the end of December I have another doctor appointment with Dr Castillo for my right eye where I had a vitrectomy.

Enjoy the reading and the weekend

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