Monday, November 21, 2016

Monday November 21

It is a cold day today.

It is a rainy day, it started raining last night.

It is all for the best as in this side of the country there is a desperate need of fresh water.

I had  a very busy weekend.

Last Friday November 8 I went to the gym  and had my Zumba session.

In red Caroline the teacher, at her left  Saira,  next to Caroline  and in black shirt is  Lee then Salve in pink shirt finally Arjit in violet.

It is a good cardio exercise at the sound of music. My body automatically goes in Zumba mode at the gym.

Last Friday I  walked by myself at the gym  by signing off at 4:43pm.

I arrived at 5:11 pm.
After Zumba I was ready to go back with the CNS van. I called for  transportation for a  pickup.

I had my evening shower protein snack and I was then ready for bed at 9pm after my night sleeping meds.

Saturday November 19I had a very healthy breakfast. Peanut butter, banana on bread and coffee.

I washed all my clothes in the 500 building washer. It is always hard to find available equipment.
When there is a washer there are no driers available and when there is a drier there are no washers available. I am used to go around the complex looking for a piece of equipment that is available.

Some are reserved only for certain apartment...Washing  is always like playing at the lottery.
Congratulation you are the winner of an available piece of cleaning equipment ... courtesy of the Insurance.

Aside from my usual cleaning  I took the chance of washing the bed cover as it was time.

I washed everything else, changed the bed, washed my bathrobe, the carpet in the bathroom.

I cleaned the kitchen floor and run the carpet cleaner on the whole apartment.

The carpet cleaner as it is 

I cleaned the kitchen floor and washed it with the swifter.

I removed the accumulated dust from my bedroom furniture

I carefully cleaned my bathroom

The kitchen table was taken care of as always.

Before cleaning the whole apartment I had time to go to Grocery Shopping at Trader Joe's  my preferred grocery market.

She is always Jamie. She makes sure I have all I needs, no more no less.

The place was packed as the people from Bakersfield are getting ready for the holidays.
I shopped for some healthy food.
Enjoyed the environment, my total was $97.35.

I do not eat any junk food, nor drink any sodas, nor for that matter eat any candies.

When I came back I  tagged all the food with labels and store it in the appropriate fridge compartment.

For some reason they had run of Prosecco. I asked the different people at the store and they told me they were experiencing  a peak of request during this time of the year.

In the evening I went to the Maya Theater to see an entertaining  movie.

The title is Fantastic Beasts.

I watched it in MPX surround system

The movie is a spin off of the Henry Potter's story.

It was written by the same author J. K. Rowling.

Sunday November 20.

On Sunday morning CNS took the usual clients to church.

Now I was not pleased by the service last Sunday.

CNS was late by 20 minutes. 

Obviously all they had to say it is we are sorry...

On my side all I could do is to fill in a complain form for CNS...

Let me tell you dear CNS what it means to be sorry: it means to be constrained to your service for going to church... for you it is clearly a new experience going to church on Sunday on time.

I am and was extremely irritated by this lack of performance, respect and priority. As a results of the very poor scheduling I felt I had no place to give any charity at church. Clearly the last I feel to do is to give money at church as I am late.

I will be keeping withdrawing my money and give it back to CNS for as long as the CNS service is so poor..

Nevertheless I did my communion and get a sip of wine.. just because I could.

They drove me back to the apartment. I filled a  complaints form. ( see above)

I had a quick lunch, A good salad, warmed up white baguette with brie.

I  got my weights and walked to the gym.

I signed out at 2pm and waked to the gym.
Be careful they told me.

It took me 33 minutes to walk being careful and respecting the pedestrian green light.

At the gym I worked  on my own program. I set level 5  on the stair master . I did  3.47 miles in about 50 minutes.

This is a good machine to improve my walking. A good cardio vascular and fitness run.

Afterward I did  18 minutes of multimode robe trainer at level 5. During this time the cord I am pulling runs for 1 mile. This is good for my shoulders and for my back muscles.

At the gym there are many very big guys. I have no actual aspiration to become a  bulky person . The reason I am going to the gym is fitness. Aerobic and muscle tone.
My legs, my abdominal, my sense of well being.
It is part of my therapy to be improving my body functionality so maybe one day I will be able to run again.

Before leaving I accurately stretched my body.

I  left the gym at 4:10 pm. I walked back to the apartment.

Obviously it takes a bit of time to walk back. At 4:46 pm (after about 25 minutes) I signed back in at the apartments.

I feel my legs getting better and my walking improving. The reality is that I still have a crooked walking and that this will be with me for a long time.

I had a good breakfast this morning.
Cereal with milk, organic medley and cut pieces of apple.

Peanut butter with preserve on rye bread.

Today the local flowers at the apartment are showing droplet of rains.

It is a highly unusual picture of the flowers with the rain.

I could not take a picture of the park as it was raining too hard.

Meanwhile we are here, in Japan something really bad happened.

A 6.9 magnitude earthquake struck Japan today. A tsunami warning has been issued for the local areas.

There is no rain in the forecast for tomorrow 

Only this morning it has been raining a bit 
Enjoy the reading

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