Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Wednesday November 2 2016

It is a nice day in Bakersfield.

It is a cold time. I am using long socks and a Patagonia pile to keep me warm.

I also realized that I  need to have a hairs cut. Tonight I am going to have one at Great Clips.

I am looking forward to having short hairs again. I am feeling  more professional with short hairs. Not as hippie as I feel right now.

Last time I had a hairs cut was on August the 24th  at Great Clips.

 About two and a half month ago. It might not sounds long to you. It is perhaps so, but to me it feel that it has been a long time.

This morning I had a good breakfast as always light and healthy.

Yogurt, cereal with blueberry,  chia seeds and yogurt. Enough for a morning.

I am waking up early when outside is  still dark then the sun comes up and the light shines until the evening. You feel the time has come to change the clock and to go back to the time given by the sun.

DST (Daylight Saving Time) is going to end in 4 days on November the 6th, two days before Election day. Clock is going to be set backward a full hour. Despite gaining an hour of sleep. I bet I will  be keeping my schedule for a while. In fact I have trouble sleeping past a certain time even during weekend.

As every Wednesday morning today  I had the first part of the money management done.

 Today it was the receipt day for me. Tomorrow is the actual money day.

In the morning I like to wake my body up  by walking in the park.
Before getting up from my bed in the morning I started doing  some stretching for  my back muscle.

 It helps warming up my body.

At the gym Cassie mentioned I should keep doing stretches to help my back.

I feel this is working really well for my back and my back pain.

The kids are fine, as always they are at school. I called them and our eldest Chicco picked up the phone. He is a very grown up person. Lapo is our youngest, he is a bit less independent than Chicco.

Lapo likes to speak in English very much. Different temperament and different age compared with his brother. At time Lapo speaks to me in Spanish as if I were Marina our nanny.

It is fine, as I can speak in Spanish as well.

The usual flowers at the apartment. Every day I  snap new pictures  as it appears a bit different every single day.

My mother sent me the  picture below from Italy.

It is taken from the apartment where she leaves.

It shows the birch (betulla) tree in front of her home. 

The birch has browned its leaves.

 At time Verona has a much denser fog.

It is winter time over there and it is also fog season.

My mother told me that this morning she went to have an  X-rays  image taken  to her back spine.

She is doing fine but  she has trouble walking . She is feeling the time passing by.

She told me that being able to walk and run is  as important as being able to think.

Yesterday evening I went to do Personal Shopping at Target as a result I did not go to the gym.

I focused on cooking

I made a frittata with the pasta I had left at the apartment

I broke two eggs, added seasoning, milk and mix it with the cooked pasta.

The frittata is a good way to eat easy protein.  Carbs from the pasta and a healthy dinner.

Later at 6:30pm I went to Personal Shopping at Target.

I normally go to Personal Shopping once in a month as I prefer going to the gym instead.

Whenever I am realizing I need to purchase something I am taking action.
I purchased Proanamel toothpaste 

Also I purchased   Listerine Mouthwash.

A patient from CNS was in the line in front of me. He was paying and was short by 60 cents. this much was the taxes. As I was there I gladly gave him a dollar bill to cover.

I am sure he appreciated. 

While at Target I met Caroline which is a NRS working at CNS as well. 

I greeted her and went on with my activity.

I had a good and relaxing lunch at the Homes of Hope. I  talked with Barbara over lunch about my  family situation. I explained her about our kids and about Simona.

Also I reviewed with her the financials of the Money Management Program. It is fine and accepted.

I mentioned that last time I did not spent any money in the outing as I was in La Canada with the family. I  confirmed that I gave back the whole unused outing money.

Normally I spend outing money on the movie ticket and a healthy snack (edamame and tea)
I never buy a soda as I do no like drinking  sodas.

The remaining balance of my outing money is typically used at church as S. Philippe the Apostle church on Stockdale Hwy. Barbara mentioned she knows where the church is located.

The election is looming. On November 8th the US is called to be electing the next President.

Early voting has already started in some States.

I frankly believe and hope the country will be able to elect the first female President of it story.

We will see.


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