Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Wednesday November 30 2016

I had a good night of sleep, wake up ready for my day. This morning the nurse gave me already Tylenol  for my gums as it was hurting.

The morning is always filled with good proposal.

I am full of energy for my day

The flowers at the apartment always offer a good subject . Yes I like to snap pictures of the flowers. I posted it  here. Once in a while I remove it from my  phone as it gets too low in memory availability.

Here is me walking at the park near the apartment.

Breathing fresh hair in the morning and thinking clearly of walking slowly with focusing  on my breath.

It is very similar to perform a walking meditation. Lowering my blood pressure and  staying healthy.

This morning I had a good light breakfast.

Coffee, yogurt,  milk, cereal, whole wheat bread with honey and peanut butter.
Enough for this morning.

Today  Iwent to the Mount Vernon Clinic first.  I  had a follow up appointment at the dentist so I went to Dr Perry Jue in Commerce Drive to check  my night guard. As I was there I mentioned him that I have  been experiencing a pain in my top tooth at the right side of my face.

 He checked it and told me that I should not floss my teeth that hard because I am cutting into the gum.

Here is the manila folder that I returned to Melissa my Nurse at the Mt Vernon Clinic.

It was a very quick follow up appointment. The main purpose was to check on my night guard, that is works well and than it is doing his job.

The secretary at the dentist was quick in stopping the CNS van that otherwise would have  left without me. 
Overall there was not much to do and It was a very fast check.

One thing though it was useful for me is that they explained me to floss in a gentle way.  

At the dentist I was told me see you next year. A card for my next appointment will be sent at the apartment.

On the van there was Miss Mo another patient at CNS. She is suffering from dyslexia.
She is behaving in a very unpleasant way,  she is fixated with me talking about her.

She has become a very  unpleasant person to be around.

Yesterday it was a Tuesday and I took care of the apartment rather than going to the gym.

 Other patient were going at Personal Shopping but I had not signed on for it.

I made sure I ckecked the food that was inside the fridge and that  all the stored  food in the box had been labelled properly.

I clearly have enough to eat. 

I have ben taking  care of the food supply by storing it away properly.

From the top:
- first row frozen bananas, ice cream and a Trader Joe's flat bread.  
- second row:  frozen quinoa oatmeal for breakfast, on the right home made soups, 
 -third row:  a few boxes with home made polpettone
-last at the bottom it is a frozen minestrone soup.

 All labelled and ready to go as needed. 

Clearly I like to cook and to be ready in case I have an emergency and can not do grocery shopping for awhile.

Yesterday I asked maintenance for a new pot.  
The one  I had previously was a black non sticking Teflon covered pan.

 Over time the Teflon got scratched and the coating got ruined.
I realized with each use I was eating a bit of Teflon too.

I went to maintenance to show them the pan status. 

They agreed with me and provided me with a new replacement.

Here is my  brand new stainless steel pan.
I promptly washed with soap with warm water.

Yesterday evening at the apartment I cooked a great minestrone soup.

As alwasy it goes I took care of making a good soffritto first. I sliced carrots, potatoes, celery and onions.

I used Coconut Oil for this base.

Finally I added some previously cooked chicken breast and a defrosted lentil soup.

Here is the minestrone boiling 

At the end I added a bouillon cube, and some Olive Oil with Parmesan cheese.

Cooking has always been a passion of mine I like to cook and I am following my heart and intuition.

I love to eat what I am cooking. Once in a while I like to experiment with some new items as well.

I prize myself of eating healthy and to steer aways from bad and unhelthy food.

Finally some cleaning.

This morning I brought some chocolate here at the Homes of Hope. I had promised it  yesterday and I am trying to stick to my words as much as I can.

It is a matter of coherence and fairness.

During lunch I called my mother in Italy using Skype. She is fine she is battling with a pain in her legs. The other day her doctor gave her some medication and performed a simple procedure on her knee.
Right now my sister Isabella is visiting from Germany where she leaves.

Today she drove to Fano Pesaro where our family summer house is located.

It took her 3 hours driving each way. Tomorrow she will leave and first go back to Spain where she resides for most part of the year. She shares her time between Germany and Spain.

Initially she went to Germany and opened her company. She is now doing well and she has started to share her time with Spain where she has a small home. Over there she has a home office where she remotely works.

In theory she can do everything from Spain.

Whenever she has to visit customers or attend some trade shows she makes plan to be in Germany.


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