Monday, November 14, 2016

Monday November 14

While the nation is going ahead with the latest political adventure  there is nothing more important to keep doing but Zumba to forget what has happened to this country.

Last Friday I had my regular Zumba at the gym.

Caroline, Lee, Saira, Salve and Marilyn are always at the gym with me to dance Zumba and forget a bit.

I had the chance of exchanging a quick opinion with Lee (white hairs and black shirt). He is saying that he is very concerned about this nation. He has colleagues from oversea that are very concerned. 

Last Friday my memory book says that I sat down with my IPC Brandy and agreed that I am going to have an extra $40 for grocery whenever I  have money management.  This means  each Thursday.

The total of the money I will receiving is $115.

I do not need any extra for outing as I am  balancing my outing money with the church offer.

I am spending outing money for movie and for a snack. For an exact break down please keep reading below.

If I do not spend the whole $115 for grocery -hard to believe- I can keep it for me as my pocket money for another time.

On Saturday I  cleaned the whole apartment.  

In the local lingo this is referred as ADL (Activity of Daily Living)

I used the carpet cleaner of the whole apartment first.
Afterward is was time to wash the floor with the Swifter.

I used the Clorox wipes to clean the table, chair and dust around the apartment

Here is me showing the cleaning of my bathroom.

The bathtub got a good scrub

Last Saturday I was supposed to have a meeting with Brandy my IPC however she did not show up for the meeting as planned, nor she sent a note of excuse. 

You might think that since  she has both my email and my personal phone it is very hard to reach me.

You see in my opinion whenever you can not make it for a meeting your are supposed to be chairing,  the minimum you can do is to let everybody know you can not make it.

 It is just common courtesy in the real world, in a company is called good management skills.  Actually she is not a manager per se her title is Innovation Program Coordinator (IPC) 

Apparently at CNS it is an accepted practice... it shows the food chain in Bakersfield.

At 10:30am we went with a group of other people from CNS to do shopping at Trader Joe's. Apparently I am always the last at exiting the shop as I am having a lot of fun being at the store.

The Trader Joe's location  is getting really busy, it means the local business is picking up very strongly,  on time for the holidays of Thanksgiving.

Nevertheless  Jamie has always a moment for me for a quick funny picture.

As mentioned earlier she is really busy.

This time the total was $80.46 

For lunch I had a melted brie sandwich and a slice of polpettone
I just purchased a baguette and I warm it up in the oven.

I have to say the melted brie cheese sandwich was good.

And of course the fire alarm erupted at the apartment... I have been staying long enough to know this very unpleasant procedure... going to the park like chicken with a cut head, waiting for  the fire fighter and at the sups running around like cats that have seen a lake of water...

Well to be absolutely clear it is in my opinion a really unpleasant scene overall.

Soon or later I only hope to see some real fire and smoke coming from an apartment, it will give some real action of what is the actual life is all about.

In the afternoon I went to the movie theater.

I saw the movie ARRIVAL

The reason I selected it is because the review site Rotten Tomatoes was giving this movie a full score.

Well I have to confess that while the Rotten Tomatoes web site gave the movie a high rating...

I personally found the movie, unreal  and a great waste of my time. 
I got so  annoyed because it costed me money ($10) plus a snack ($9.75)

However at the movie theater I finally met Larry in Red Shirt  and Janice in white/pink. 

It was a very pleasant surprise for me. 

I used to met them at the 24 fitness gym and then they disappeared from a day to another.

Good to know they are doing fine. It was not their priority to let me know they are both fine anyway.

I am glad they are still around in the community.

Anyway I also got a hold of Victoria at the movie.
She works in two places.

In the evening at the Maya theater cinema  counter and during  the day as a NRS at CNS at the Mt Vermon Clinic.

I gladly exchanged greetings with her and kidded  about buying some beer.

She mentioned no beer for me..
I switched my order to Edamame and green tea. ($9.75)

Last Sunday I took my weight at the apartment.
It was 177.8 lb

Last Sunday something bad happened to me as well.

I went to church first. I balanced my outing money with the $4.25 I had left. 

The message was from a reading by S. Paul " If we are unwilling to work hard neither we are going to eat." 
The message is  this is the time to work hard for our salvation.

On the way back I jumped in the van with Delia and Gilbert.

The radio was blasting high and Gilbert dancing at the loud music.
I should be used to this matter, yet my shunt is not.

Along the ride I felt my shunt started hurting a lot.

I had a strong pain at my shunt. I start feeling a pulsing a pounding on my right side of the head where the shunt is located.

Of course I went to Nursing at the apartment and reported it immediately. 

Nursing invited me to go to my apartment to wait for the nurse.
Sabrina came to check my blood pressure and the oxygen content of my blood.
The pressure was a bit elevated though.

She looked at my eyes, made me follow her right index finger by swinging  it left and right in front on my eyes..
She determined I was OK.. I got some Tylenol nevertheless.

As it stands  I should not feel my shunt hurting   under any conditions.

I am taking massive does of Buspirone for this purpose.

Anyway I  had my lunch cleaned my own mess and went to the gym.
I signed out at 2pm and walked to the gym where I arrived at 2:42pm

It was a great and pleasant walk. I learned to be careful no matter what.

Here some people drive in careless way, particularly big pickup trucks with a long bed.
The bigger the vehicle they drive the smaller is their attention to their environment.
I clearly made this inverse correlation. 

Over there on Sunday  I have my own program to follow.:

1) stair master at level 5. I set it for a 40 minute work out. I am doing 2.75 miles.

This is good for my legs and my balance. It makes me walk better and better.

2) multi mode trainer level 5. This is a machine with a robe that I am going to pull down. I normally run for the length of 1 mile. Right now it takes me 20 minute.
Cassie at the gym has recommended it to me to strengthen my back muscle.

3)  I did my rotary torso exercise 4 x 20 x 40 lb. 

Before leaving the gym I sat in the big quite room and accurately stretched my body.
Stretching is as important as fitness.

Finally at 4:20 pm I was ready to leave.
I called the apartment to let them know I was coming back. Obviously I walked back to the apartment.

At 4:50pm I signed back at the apartment. On time for my Metagenics and my evening shower.

I simply got organized for the next day. I prepared by lunch for today with a fresh salad and a portion of meatloaf I had in the freezer.

I worked out my portion of fresh fruit.

I relaxed until at 9pm they came to give me my Ambien to sleep.

I slept well, no one shouting from the floor below, like Mr K. does at the time.

I wake up by myself got a good breakfast. 
Cereal, trail mix, toasted  bread, honey and peanut butter.
Coffee with frothed milk.. you can very well say the usual.

As always I like to snap pictures of the local flowers.
As the program says Giuseppe likes to take pictures of the local flowers...
Yes I do, it is among the few things that are beautiful at CNS.

Enjoy the reading

BTW no newspaper today. Miss Mary invited me to walk to the fire station, there is no more kiosk over there. Perhaps CNS should map out where the newspapers is distributed locally,
After all who cares about the printed newspaper anymore.
It is so last century.. Nowadays everything is electronic.


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