Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Tuesday November 29

Already, It is a cold day in Bakersfield California.

I had a brief night of sleep. I do not remember what I am dreaming at night. I am using my night guard to sleep. It allows me to byte and chew on a solid piece of plastic.
It is clear and unflavored plastic.

Yesterday evening I went to Trader Joe's as I did not go over the weekend.

I first had dinner with a home made frittata. I diced small potatoes and cooked it a bit beforehand.
Several eggs, seasoning milk and Parmesan cheese. I  cooked  it really well.

The anti sticking pan I am using is giving away its Teflon coating.

Teflon is a non reactive coating. So I guess if I am eating some and it passes trough my body  unaffected.

Ask maintenance as Simona's solution is for everything.... well let's see what they will say.

At 4:30pm I went to Trader Joe's because during the weekend I was busy with other activities.

Jamie was surprised to see me there  on a Monday afternoon

I purchased every thing it was on my list. The NRS that came with me was telling me to move on and be quick...The NRS is Miss M. S. same family name as Laurie S.

As I was in the store I asked Jamie where  I could buy some malt beverage.

She mentioned that they had just run out of it. I asked several of her colleges and they all confirmed Jamie's words.

Next time  I need to get there earlier.

Anyway Jamie is fine. Her two kids Delaney and Logan are doing great.

I purchased all healthy food. As always I brought my bags -brown reusable bags- got everything on the list. As mentioned this time an NRS came with me, she did not wanted to help me in any way but she pressured me constantly as if she was doing the shopping. She bugged me a lot. Obliviously she did not want to be there.

I got some chocolate that I have already started to distribute and give away to other people.

I gave a whole Tablet to Miss A. the plan is for tomorrow to take it here at the Homes of Hope.

I do not buy for myself but as a give away gift.

I spent $73.56 in organic food.

Afterward this very same NRS took me at the reception to give the money back from my grocery shopping.

She obviously did not about the program called money management.

As I am taking part it has never happened me to declare at the reception how much money I had spent on Grocery Shopping.

Personal Shopping has to be declared with the amount.  This is a different source of money.

Miss Amanda at the reception took a copy of the receipt. 
An odd action if you are asking me.
Today I had a quick lunch with chicken broth, brown rice and mixed grapes.

I called my mother in Italy.
She is doing OK. She is battling with a sharp pain in her knee. 
She is struggling to find the right therapy and medication to get over it. 

This morning together with my sister she went to the doctor . My mother  is suffering from  swelling of a knee. The doctor  removed  a whole syringe full of fluid  from her knee. I believe it is called synovial fluid. Afterward he gave her a shot of pain killer.

My sister is visiting from Germany. She is going to stay in town for a couple of day and then head back to wherever she likes to be. She share her time between Germany and Spain.
She has a residence and her company in Germany. She also has a house in Spain where she spend a lot of time. She has a home office here so she can work remotely as well. Don't ask for more this is as much that it will go.

As I was busy with  the Grocery Shopping activity I did not go to the gym.it is OK. It is not a mandatory activity.

Whenever I am busy with other important items I am busy with other things to do.

This morning I had a quick and healthy breakfast.
 Oatmeal, Organic whole milk, coffee, peanut butter and honey on a whole wheat bread.

The morning hours are dark as the winter time is incumbent. I do not like it at all.

 I got some Tylenol as my right tooth is hurting.

This is a bad sign for me. My body is slowly giving in to the inevitable evidence of life.

Beside having a toothache is a bad sign for my health as it all started with a toothache.

Park in the morning for my walk to get the newspaper

I got barely in the van went to the Mount Vernon clinic, read the newspaper of the day enduring the uplifting company of this time.  I have been asked as always What is your name? by the same person that everyday ask me the very same question. The facility at Mt Vernon is overcrowded and under served. Luckily I get off everyday- they called it voluntary job, I called it a breath of plain sanity.

Of course in the van Miss Mo was annoyed at me as always she is being with her injury

I am used to her little spikes of hate directed at me. I am used to her  haste and vitriol comments

They told me she suffers from dyslexia ... it involves her capability of controlling what she says.
Most of the time she sounds ans is  really nasty.

For lunch I had  brought some chicken broth. 

I made it with brown rice.

A good serving  of colorful grapes.

I got a small sip of coffee and brushed my teeth.

It is all OK

The Xmas carol is upon us this is getting into the Xmas time.

It is PC to wish somebody a happy season as you never know if this individual does celebrate Xmas as being the Catholic celebration. 

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