Monday, November 7, 2016

Monday November 7 2016

Well today I went to the Mnt Vernon clinic for a little bit.

This morning the distribution machine for the newspaper has taken my money without giving me the newspaper...I felt a deep sense of frustration and a sense of betrayal.

Depending on an antiquate machine for the paper is a model of distribution belonging to a different time or a different country.. you pick the one that best fits the situation.

 it is really an antiquate way of distribution... when it does not work it makes me wonder how much longer this  system will be in place for.

When it does not work the machine just eat the money and literally steal it out. Ain't my money anyway as it comes from CNS reception.

I had a good weekend overall.

For sleeping I take many medications. Above all for a happy sleep I take Depakote Divalproex. To enhance my sleeping I take, Melatonin and Ambien ... To treat my depression I take Trazodone 
Overall a  wonderful cocktail of night drugs...

In the evening I take Metagenics (Vitamin)

For the morning more Metagenics, Divalproex and something else

But let's go in order.

Yesterday was Sunday .  The clock has changed as DST ended and I set all the clock in the apartment backward by one hour. We are going back to standard time.

As every Sunday I went to the church at St. Philips the Apostle on Stockdale.

The Gospel was of a woman who got married to each one of sever brothers as they passed away one after the other. Jesus is asking who this woman will be married to when she will pass away.

He is also telling the crowd not to focus too much on the things that belong to this world rather focus on things that matter to God.
It does not matter who we are married to if we are implementing God's will our soul will belong to God.
Next reverent Sal (Salvatore) gave the financials of the church. It is a really well present income statement. He mentioned that the church is required to provide a full disclosure of its financials and that it needs to pass an audit.

I gave $5.75 at church as an offer. All the outing money (and a bit more) I had left.
Next ti me there was a nice person. He much be a 50 years old man, impeccable dressed

At the time of the offer he pulled out from his pocket a stack of $20 bills. And gave one for the offer.

I guess everybody contributes based on his/her capabilities.

At church I met Rose. She is Cassie's grandma.

After church we went to grab a coffee and a piece of doughnut together just chatting about life.

She mentioned that her son Ron is suffering from a bad back and that her granddaughter Cassie is working too hard.

After church I had a lunch and went to the gym

For lunch I made a frittata with sliced small Russel potatoes.
Very yummy.

I eat a lot of eggs. It is cheap, very nutritious and contains good nutrients.

My wife mentioned I eat too many eggs...

I signed out at  1:55pm and arrived at the gym at 2.26pm

I worked on a  lot of cardio
-stair master 40 minutes 2.77 miles
-multi mode robe trainer level 5 Dist 1 miles in 20 minutes ( this is a machine that works on my core and back muscle)
- rotary torso 4x40x40lb

I took my weight on the analog scale. It is 176 lb.

At 4:05 I left the gym and called CNS.

I arrived at the apartment at 4:36pm and signed back in.

I like walking along the street. 

There are as always different type of driver along the road.

I am always making sure it is my responsibility to make sure I am safe. 

Here is a picture of my memory book to show all about last Sunday.

Last Saturday November 5 I have been busy with different activity.

The best way to describe it at CNS is as ADL (Activity of Daily Living)

Cleaning the whole apartment.

Running the vacuum cleaner of all the carpet.

Cleaning the bathroom
cleaning the sink

cleaning the toilet and the shower area

Washing the floor with the swifter.

Removing the dust from around the furniture of the apartment.

I clearly washed all my clothes, changed the bed and washed my bathrobe.

I went to do grocery shopping at 10:30 at Trader Joe's

I spent $58.53 

Jamie was there. She was a bit distressed.

She mentioned her dad passed away over Halloween weekend.
It must be hard for her family.

 In the afternoon I wrote a letter to our kids.

In CNS lingo this corresponds of  doing some THP (Therapeutic Home Program)

In my own views this corresponds of taking care of the family as a whole.

In the evening I went to the Maya theater to watch the following movie.

Hacksaw Ridge was running in ATMOS theater.

It is a premium surround sound system.

The sounds in multi-directional, clear and really pervasive

I enjoyed the movie which is based on a true story.
 It is based on a gold medal recipient soldier of WWII who was a deeply religious person and the first conscience objector to allow to go to war as a medic aid.

My mother send me a picture of her Sunday evening. She went to visit her friend Claudia at her house.

I believe this is Claudia playing the guitar.

Going back to last Friday, after therapy I came back to the apartment where I reside.

In the afternoon at 5:23 pm I signed out and went to the gym.

At 5:50pm I arrived at the gym.

The class of Zumba with Caroline had already started so I joined right in the mix.

Arji, Lee and all the people that are taking the class where there. The music is often the same and the movements are the same ... same fun as always.

I enjoyed very much my cardio exercise.

At 7pm it was time for me to leave.

I came back with the transportation of CNS.

Speaking of the transportation I was supposed to be picked up by 7pm
And I was expecting so... it is on my Program after all.

I got ready to leave on time, yet they made me wait and wait at the gym's reception, I am always  seating on the bench.

I was boiling of disappointment as every time I feel CNS is taking advantage of the situation,.

I took a selfie of my glowing eyes... can you stair at mt eyes and sustain it..

Here I am a person that has certain expectation , perhaps too much of it... can you blame me?

Brandon sent me the following link about all the proposition on the ballot for the election tomorrow.
I am going to read the proposition

Let's review the science about eating eggs.

I eat several eggs per week as it is a cheap food  and an  easy way to get nutrients.

The science is clear that up to 3 whole eggs per day are perfectly safe for healthy people who are trying to stay healthy. Bottom Line: Eggs consistently raise HDL (the “good”) cholesterol. For 70% of people, there is no increase in Total or LDL cholesterol.

So I  believe I am fine, staying and being healthy.

By the way I have asked CNS for a  new copy of my program.
The one I have is  9 months old and being in paper format it looks like an old piece of papers.
Obviously for them is OK, for me it is not OK.

We are in the XXI century. As such the technology to provide electronic information is widely available even at CNS.

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