Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Wednesday November 16

Well here we are working from the House of Hope, 501 Niles Street Bakersfield.

I have a nice office, I share it with Miss Alexis.

I went to the Mt Vernon Clinic this morning. I read the newspapers for the other patients.
Today the newspaper kiosk was empty so CNS lend me the paper to read.

At 11 am it was time for me to come here at the Houses of Hope.

As I was about to leave miss Amanda showed me some beautiful cards that have been made using the pictures of the CNS  flowers I am taking everyday.

I signed it on a corner and then off to Houses of Hope.

It is a cloudy day outside, hopefully it will be raining a bit.

Let's review my activities of yesterday.

I was signed on for Personal Shopping.

After therapy I had time to wait until 6:30pm to go to Walmart.

I had time to cook and to write to my family,

So here we go here is the letter for the boys.. working on the small movement of my hand, as well as on eyes hand coordination.

I have certainly collected a large stack of letters that over time I have given to the boys to read.

Right now our eldest Chicco mostly reads it.  Our little one Lapo is not interested yet
Lapo was risen by Simona my wife. Because of my choices and my current condition I missed most of Lapo's  life.

I am addressing my letter to the whole family anyway.

When  I called home this morning Chicco was already up and watching TV.

Lapo was sleeping and Simona getting ready for the family's day.

Yesterday evening I had time to relax at the apartment as I went to Personal Shopping at 6:30pm at Walmart.
I wanted to buy some flower seeds for my plants. As I got there I checked it out and they told me the flower section had been replaced with the Xmas items.

As a result there was no floral section any longer. I could not buy what I wanted. It is fine I tried.

Brandy gave me $20 to buy flower seeds and a small plant.

My  plan was to put the small plant in the vase I have at the apartment. Later I would  put the seeds in the plant vase.

As a result of the availability of items at Walmart I had to change course. 

While at Walmart I saw Britney doing her grocery shopping. She had a cart full of  food for her family.

I returned the money at CNS and finally this morning I met Giles the gardener at the CNS apartments.

I asked him if at all possible I would appreciate having some flower seeds for my balcony

He mentioned he will try.

My mother is following my blog from Italy.
She mentioned she would like to start her own blog.

Well it is very easy.
It is simple to start at https;// 
Simply follow the simple instruction. You will be asked to create a username and password (you can store it automatically in your laptop).

Once you created the blog you can start adding comments and import pictures.
I normally email to my google email account the pictures I am planning to add to the blog.

It is easy to save the pictures in the email and to make it available for the blog.

My mother is  focusing on her legs. She is experiencing sharp pain at her knees.
She is undergoing therapy with acupuncture. It takes some time to go trough with it.

The flowers at the apartment are always offering a good subject for my daily picture.

It is easier to search the right image and to manually upload it here.

At the apartment this morning they were cutting a tree that had died.

Time for lunch...
What is for lunch today?
I brought a soup of lentils I made the other day.
Celery, carrots, potatoes and garlic (I was out of onion)

As a side a little piece of brie cheese 

Finally a serving of fruit.

A little coffee and some good teeth cleaning.

It is all well.
During lunch I called back home in Italy my mother.
She is doing fine. Tomorrow she is going to the see a doctor regarding her legs. 
She feels the current infiltration regime that she has got a few days back is not working.

She is going to take a cab to go to her doctor appointment.

She is also trying to sort out the electronic mess she has between her phone, computer and tablet.

My brother Francesco has gone to help her a few days ago. My mom mentioned that the results of him helping her is that her things do not work any longer. She is frustrated because of the situation

She appears in good spirit. 

Today at the apartment is new schedule day distribution, at 5pm is booking for the movie at the Maya Theater.
Enjoy the reading

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