Thursday, November 17, 2016

Thursday November 17 2016

I am very concerned about the cell phone data usage.

My wife called me this morning to let me know I have already burned through one GB of data...
Well you see she did not call to ask me how I was doing.. nor to tell how she was doing... simply she  placed the call to tell me to keep down the data consumption on  the phone...

Nowadays this is a  concern that can be accommodated by  selecting a different plan. For  example here you find the link.

So in the current world it is perhaps really something you should be concerned above all?

data for my  phone.. really?

Oh because I am part of the brain injury patient and do not remember things, I just had a good lunch here at the home of hopes. I had a wonderful soup with pasta and lentils, a  good salad with arugula and tomato, a slice of bread and a coffee, Finally I  brushed my teeth

Think about my family? This is a double way to go... we exchanged frank opinion with my case manager. As expected she presented me with the same  old information program, nothing new a very frustrating experience. As mentioned to you is more of the same. I had hoped to see a different picture yet I am afraid she Failed on her basic goal.

Thank you Jolanta but no thank you. I came in with a little expectation I came back with a lot of frustration because of your inability.

She was quick in getting to the heavy and important items:

To me she took the chance of slapping to my face more of the same

- I am a disabled individual
-I will  be at CNS for a very very long time
-I will forget the life as it was before

- I will have to forget about all I  have been

I had not  hidden from her my very sarcastic tone.. well I am built this way...

I do not want to change for the sake of it.

Jolanta was quick in telling I should be grateful  I have a two bedroom apartment for myself.

Well to tell it all I remember when I had a roommate, I remember him Mr R.. perhaps you do not remember him as clearly as I do.

I remember very well he was messy. The result was that CNS took me for an extra TAC as my shunt started hurting so bad.

A TAC is perhaps in the range of 5k$ to 20k$
Not that much after all, yet the repetitive use of this tool exposes the patient to repetitive use of X-rays.

Beside my shunt hurting is a bad sign. The doctor has prescribed me massive dose of buspirone to compensate for the environment stressor.

The result is that I am at CNS in an apartment by myself.  I like it this way.

I am keeping the CNS apartment as clean as possible, I like it to be neat and in good order.
Once in a while House Keeping come to check the place but there is very little to do for them.

It is clearly not my house as I am living in La Canada and I am just in Bakersfield for an absurd and tasteless joke of the Creator.

Yes let's tell it all, this is an tasteless joke that belongs to somebody...
who are we going to point the finger to? Which direction: North, South, West, Est, Up or Down?

It might  be Hell as much as my experience is going in this part of the globe.

Today I had money management completed.

I received an extra $40 from my personal account. It has now become for me a standing practice to get the extra $ for the food.

As far as outing money is concerned I have been good. The movie theater and snack is $19.75.
This leaves me with $4,25 for church offering. Yes because I am going to church... for the time being

Yesterday afternoon I came back at the apartment, distributed the latest schedule, at 5pm booked for the movie outing.
I then cooked and relaxed.

By relaxing an avoiding any physical activity, my body is recovering. My back is doing better and better. This is what matters to me. I had reached a point that it was hurting so bad that I  could not stand still in bed.

My back is recovering.. it is going to take a bit of time..

Here we do a bit of a math.

There are 70 patients at CNS.
Each patient receive the same amount for outing $24 and grocery $75, every two weeks there are $99 given to each patient.

Every week the Insurance pays 1700$ for outing and 5000$ for grocery, A combine amount of 6.7k$

Enjoy the reading

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