Friday, November 18, 2016

Friday November 18 2016

It is a cold day in Bakersfield California.

I had a good breakfast today.

I made a good scramble eggs for my morning.

 I added raspberry jam to dress the three eggs.
I mixed it with milk. flour and a tad of salt.

Proteins from the eggs and the jam.

I used Coconut Oil  with my cooking.
It is a good Oil for high temperature cooking as it has a high smoking point.

On a Friday it is hard for me to get together something to eat. 
During the beginning of the week I  have a lot of good fresh  food. 

However as the week folds to an end I am scrambling to get enough to eat. 

I had a couple of headache medication this morning as I felt the right hand side of my  head hurting.

This is the hemisphere of the head where my shunt is located. Every time I feel it it is a red flag going off.

I am planning to buy for tomorrow some frozen Oatmeal to keep in the fridge for a later use.

It is an easy to make food, just microwave it and eat it.

Here are the flowers for today at the apartment.

The ride in the CNS bus is always rough.

This morning for instance I was in the van with Mr Kevin P. He is a patient at CNS.
He always swears a lot without any regards,  F-word S-word all the nine yard. It is hard to hear  and endure what comes out of his mouth.

He used to be a roofer and he felt down from a house, he hit his head and now he is like that.
He uses a walker and  moves very slowly. 

Swearing and swearing with his loud voice. A by the way he is provided with cigarette by CNS  as he smokes a lot. Not able to walk but still able to smoke.
At time I am hearing him screaming from his apartment. He is in the ground floor right below my apartment. He screams whenever the NRS wakes him up and starts swearing.

This morning  as I tried to tell staff he was bugging me with his swearing, he told me  to go and  F.... yourself.

Dear mr. Kevin P. there is a reason why you are unable to walk.. because you have been abandoned by everybody. Perhaps it is too hard to comprehend for you. 
I see straight through your very poor persona. Yet the truth is that I am here to lessen to your  every single day. Getting better dear Mr Kevin P. ? 

You are not the king of the hill, in fact you are not on the hill. Enough said.
Yesterday evening I compiled my grocery list -it was Thursday after all.  At CNS every Thursday evening patients are required to compile a list of grocery shopping for the produces and food  they are planning to buy on Saturday morning.

There are different options to choose from. Some go to Winco, some go to Walmart, others like me go to Trader Joe's. The food there is good, most of it Organics and all healthy.

As a result of my pickiness with the food, I am  spending more that the $75 allowed by the insurance.

However I started collecting $40 each week to make sure I have enough money for my grocery shopping needs.

I have been around so much that grocery shopping list is an automatic action.
Like the Wednesday schedule distribution at the apartment.

Yesterday afternoon  I had dinner with the left over chicken broth I had.
Afterward I prepared my lunch for today (more chicken broth soup) and went to the gym.
CNS took me there.
 Miss Barrios drove me to the gym. She is a supervisor. At the gym I did body pump with Scott and later cycle with Misty. She is the lady at my right hand side. She is used to see me at the gym and she is used to see me taking picture of the trainer.

I need to make sure I have Chia Seeds available for this week

Time to eat 
For lunch I had a chicken broth with brown Basmati rice and a fruit,
Also a piece of brie on rye bread.

here is an interesting reading related to my injury.

well you see in the picture above the scar for my tracheotomy.

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