Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Tuesday November 1st 2016

Today in Italy is the day of celebration of All  Saints.

People are called to visit their loved ones at the churchyards.

It is a recurrence for Catholic people.
In Italy most of the people are Catholic.

My family is making sure to pay tribute to our family roots in S. Gregorio di Veronella where the family burial is located.

The inscription on the red stone reads "Famiglia Rossi". It literally meas "the Rossi family".
I am part of the Rossi family.

My father  took care of organizing the design and of having it  implemented. He is part of the people hosted there.

This morning I had new morning meds.  After a healthy  breakfast as always I walked around the park.
In the morning I have 11 pills to take.

I made a great coffee with frothed milk.

Yogurt, hemp seeds, cereal with blueberry. Organic whole milk.

The roses at the apartment are always offering a great subject for  my  pictures.

Walking in the park in the morning is always a source of pride for me.

Extending my steps and making sure it is getting better and better.

The family is well. Simona and the kids are fine.

As always the kids will be at school in La Canada.

After school the kids will have a busy afternoon.

Homework  and piano lesson with Liz. Both the kids do play well at the piano.

Our eldest Chicco is very proficient and independent. Our youngest Lapo needs a bit of encouragement  as he tries to cut corners in order to shorten his duty. 

It is their routine, if only I could start remembering more about their activities. It is clear that I am not part of their routine as I do not leave with them. It has been going this way for the past four years. 

It is fine by me.

Yesterday evening I did not go to the gym as I had grocery shopping to do.

I went to Trader Joe's in the evening at 6:30pm. They were surprised to see me there at that time.
Josh mentioned his daughter is getting stronger. He has a few months old daughter. When I asked about her he told me she is trying to seat tall by herself. She is still wobbling. 

I picked up a lot of healthy and good food.

I spent  only .... $91.67 And it is supposed to be for five days as next Saturday I am shopping again.

We will see what the future will look like by then.

It is fine. I normally eat everything and enjoy having healthy food.

 My RTC Brandi set up a red flag " a hot issue"  for me for taking me to Trader Joe's even on a Monday night.

I appreciated the consideration. Jamie was off as yesterday it was her birthday. She told me in advance she would not work on her  birthday (she turned 38 years old)

In the evening I cooked some really healthy and yummy food.

I sliced zucchini squash. Seasoned with salt, garlic and oregano.

It cooked in  the oven for 30 minute.

A few minutes of grill to give a little crispiness.

Simona gave me red Tomato  sauce.  

Additionally I purchased it yesterday evening from Trader Joe's.

Here is the product's picture.

This is my cooking activity with the pasta boiling, the zucchini ready and and the tomato sauce in the large container.

I boiled pasta with a lot of water and a bit of  pyramid salt.

The pasta was then mixed with the cooked zucchini and the tomato sauce.

Finally it was time for  adding a lot of Parmesan Cheese and  Olive Oil

Simple and healthy cooking. Italian cooking is a very healthy approach to cooking.
Rarely red meat, a lot of veggie, healthy Oil and little or no fat.

A  lot of veggies, no condiment no sauces, no juice nor soft drink.

In fact I do not drink any juice nor any kind of soft drink. 

It simply does not appeal to me. On the other hand I drink a substantial amount of coffee.

I have been invited for dinner at the Homes of Hope for November the 7th.

I just call Amanda at AAC to confirm my presence.

For lunch I had my home made meal.

A left over slice of meat loaf Polpettone) that I made  a few days ago. 

A healthy pasta with zucchini from yesterday and a Bartlett pear.

I did no finish eating the pasta. My plan is to make a frittata later tonight with the left over.

We will see how it goes by the time I get back to the apartment.

I called and spoke with  my mom in Italy. She is not feeling that well.

She mentioned that both  her balance and walking are giving her troubles.

For instance yesterday she could not go to  S. Gregorio either.

Today she is going to the doctor to see if he can prescribe her any medication for her legs.

I fully know what it feels like having a perdurable pain in a limp.
I myself have been going through that symptom and for different reasons anyway.

She is in good spirit accepting the fact she her ability of moving around is limited.
Also accepting to rely on her friends for managing to go around Verona.

Luckily she has got some good people around her to help her a lot along this journey.

Italian like to eat healthy... yes I am a healthy eater. 

I do not like any type of  junk food,  sodas. I do not use any  sauce to flavor the meat and the different recipes. Pretty much I like to cook and eat in a simple way.

It is not me, it is because I do not like it.

As my wife Simona says once in a while you can let you guard down and eat a bit once in a while.
Speaking of Simona I noticed she is getting thinner and thinner.

She must have lost more weight, with all the sleepless nights and all the nerve wracking responsibilities  she has been having recently the last thing she must have in her mind is to eat.

Well you know my wife, she does what she has to do in life as she is at the head of the family,

She is having a big boulder on her shoulder to carry around.

She is clearly over stretched but she is what is has to do.

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