Thursday, November 3, 2016

Thursday November 3 2016

This morning I  had a good breakfast. Did my stretches in bed per Cassie suggestion.

I had a light and fulfilling breakfast.

It was time for me to get at the reception for money management. To walk in the park
to snap a picture for the park..

I had the last newspaper at the stand.

Well it is a thin newspaper.

at AAC I read the newspapers not much to it

I touched based with Melissa my nurse. I had to line up and wait to get her attention and  service.

Obviously it is a  facility with  maxed out  capability.

In my opinion - and I have already been expressing it- there are too many patients for CNS and a too  small facility.

They are building a new clinic, that is right, perhaps by then they will have maxed out the number of occupants as well. This is a flourishing line of business to be indeed. Be a medical personnel in a center of CNS.

 Here are the reasons for joining:  good pay, fringe benefit a good  401k plan included, sick days, and parental leave. You have to be able to pass a drug tests ahead of time. Having a good driving record is a plus.

I talked with my Nurse Melissa at AAC  it is just touching base about a MRI and MRA  to my brain.
On November the 10 at 7:10 am I am going to Kern Radiology. I am leaving from the apartment at 6:45am. The whole medical procedure will last 2-3 hours.

It will be compared to the scan I had in 2012

Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Angiography

You can read about MRI and aneurysm here at the following link.

An MRI is basically an imaging method to look into my skull using  a big magnet imaging technique. The magnet is used to generate a large Magnetic field to image the cell and their water content.

When the magnet fires, it  is excited using a series of electric pulses. Correspondingly it emits a set of loud noises and a train of  magnetic pulses.

So do not bring a credit card with you.

Only amagnetic material is allowed.

You find useful information about Angiography at this link.

An Hagiography is another imaging technique using X-ray. It is used to map the blood vessel in areas of interest (in my case the brain). A contrast liquid based on Iodine is typically injected into the blood stream to make sure there is enough contrast available.

I remember after you get Iodine injected in your vein you are expelling it out through your kidneys and your urinary system. Basically you are going to the bathroom and the liquid from your body is a bright yellow color.

Yesterday evening I went back to the CNS apartment 623. I leave at home in Bakersfield.

I  do  not want to be located in any other place but Bakersfield.

This is where my life is right now. My gym my grocery shopping at Trader Joe's with the whole crew for what I developed a good connection with.

I also got used to get the money management program  every week.

Right now I am on a weekly cycle. They do not trust me as I have been messing up things.

You see how well it goes...

On Thursday I am paid fresh money. The day before I am required of producing the receipts from the previous week. It goes at the reception of CNS with Miss Mary.

The insurance gives me $75 for Grocery (food) and $24 for Outing ( Entertainment and church)

Yesterday an NRS distributed the latest schedule rather than me.

I booked for movie at 5pm. Patients are invited to book for those activities that they care about.

I care about movie. I do not care about Jamba juice, bookstore nor recycle (I throw away every thing).  I let the others care for it. I can see some patients that come back with big bags of recycle from their activity in the community.  They are making a point of  attending to different events so that they can bring back big bags for recycle...

Let them be and  do not feel sorrow for them. It is not their fault they are that way.
Not their fault they spit on the floor nor their fault they dresses with clothes that are strapped.

However it is their fault for smoking next to me, it is their choice for stinking of smoke...
I am very sensitive to this matter.

Last Sunday I had booked for haircut.  As  I had booked for a hair cut ahead of time I duly checked at the reception... Obviously The list did not include me.  I talked to my  current IPC Brandy.

She picked up the phone, called Rebecca at the reception and demanded me to be added right away.

She knew that I had booked in advance with her as I  had called her and sent her  an email. You see whenever you are part of the community of patients at CNS, you are never sure whether CNS  gets it right or  messes it up.

I have always been a person that is fair and square. I praise myself for  being so.

In the evening while I was waiting I made some chicken broth.

I had chicken breast, so this time I had no  chicken legs to use.

Next time I need to buy chicken drumsticks as the broth is far  tastier.

I added a frozen turkey meatball that I had made some time back.

A bouillon cube, Parmesan Cheese, Olive Oil have been used to adjust the flavor.

As a side I cooked Brawn Basmati rice.

I had time to make it and eat it.

Obviously the service for the  Hair cut was scheduled to be at 7pm but at  10 minutes past seven nobody had showed up to take care of business. 

You see whenever you are a TBI patient you are subject to the hassles of the CNS service.

It is a warm feeling of being held hostage for something that I do not have any fault.

At Great Clips I met Martha. She was there a few months back always cutting hairs.

Obviously after Great Clips - after everybody was done  we had to wait for Greg.

He snicked out and got food at Chipotle for himself.

Can you blame it for being hungry that late..

We had to wait for him as if he was the king of the situation.

By the way you should have seen the company at large.
Very uplifting  indeed.

Obviously things got late and I  came back at the apartment well past 8pm.

As a matter of fact I am used to get my evening shower no matter what.  So  I took my evening shower.

I had it anyway, Virginia came in the apartment to give me my Ambient, it is schedule for 8:30 9pm.

I was drying out and she had to wait outside for me to get ready, oh yes because Ambien (zolpidem) is a narcotic controlled substance so CNS has to make sure I get it before nursing can be leaving.

Well there are a lot of irritating inconveniences (hassles) as to have to rely on your services.

If it were up to me. I would and had given  a  B- to the service
May I have my money back please? 

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