Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Wednesday November 9 2016

This morning I went to the Dr Jue Dental office on Commerce Drive here in Bakersfield.

Alex drove me there. I had a 11am dental appointment. So We drove first to the Mt Vernon Clinic and then to the doctor and finally to the Homes of Hope here in Niles street.

Today there is no newspaper available because the kiosk had the old newspaper from last week.

At the dentist I picked up the night retainer that I am going to use while sleeping.

This device will help my teeth and protect it at night to avoid grinding it.

It is because I grind my teeth that I have been feeling pain to my left hear.

The feeling of pain symptom has been traced back as being cause by  my back tooth in my lover jaw not being fully aligned.

This is the night retainer. It was not covered by the insurance. Simona's bill was $500.

Simona told me you are better using it as the doctors is recommending it and it has been paid.

I was prescribed Tylenol as needed to reduce the inflammation. It worked and greatly  reduced the pain.

Also I was recommended to stay on a light food diet and not to open my jaws too wide.
I have been eating simple food mostly simple to eat.

Next appointment is after Thanksgiving.

Here we go as much as about me.

The country  had a very interesting evening last night.

The new president is Donald Trump. The Republican party has had a sweeping victory success out of  this election cycle.

Hillary Clinton and the Democrat party sustained a resounding and certainly unexpected defeat.

I talked with  my wife and my mother about the current status in US

Our youngest son Lapo mentioned that he would like to go back to Italy...
For him Italy is the place where he has a large family.

He  has fun walking around Rome, goes to the beach and basically has a good time  with the extended family.

My mom is telling him that being in Italy is not always  like being in Disneyland.

Lapo does sees Italy as his vacation place.

Yesterday evening I did not go to the gym.

I stayed at the apartment.  And I stayed busy.

I cooked. I wrote a long letter to my mother.

It is written in Italian. I am reusing my native language whenever I am writing to my mom back in Italy.

While  I am writing to her, I can feel the words coming more easily and the use of the language being restored from a long sleep. Basically I am gaining my written fluency back. Which is important.

Here is the letter and the envelope. I wrote two full pages to her.


Yesterday evening I sent it out,  It  requires 4 forever stamps for Italy.

As I was watching the results of the election I had dinner at the apartment and decided I did not want to go to the gym.

I had a chicken broth soup with pasta.. easy to eat per the dentist recommendation.

Yesterday evening I also have filled a cash req for Brandi my current IPC.

Whenever I need petty cash I am supposed to fill a cash req.

Right now my Personal money reserve is low so I asked Brandy to get $50 from my Personal Account.

Because I stayed back I took advantage of cleaning the whole apartment very accurately.

The bathroom was first cleaned

I used the carpet cleaner in the whole apartment  and later I washed the floor using a swiffer to mop the floor.

I took care of cleaning inside the fridge all different compartments.

I reviewed the food for  date labels to  made sure it was all good and up-to-date.

The food was stored  back in order.

Here I am showing the bins as  I washed it as well.

It is all cleaned, some small particles of vegetable have been removed from the bins inside the fridge.

I washed all my clothes, and folded it neatly away.

I took care of removing the accumulated dust from all surfaces of the apartment.

I had the change of  putting a nail in  the wall so that I could  hang a picture frame of my kids.

I have so many picture frames that it is getting increasingly difficult to keep it all clean from the dust.

The pictures of my family that can be hanged are going to be placed on the wall of the apartment.

I took a nail from the blue room and use it in my green room. As hammer I used a cup from the apartment... clever and simple.

Every time I am walking by the flowers at the apartment I can not resist but  snap several pictures.

For dinner tonight I defrosted a cod filet.

I am planning to cook it later as my evening cooking activity.

The local hair quality varies a lot. Today it is marked as unhealthy as the pollutant level is high. 

Enjoy the reading

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