Monday, December 19, 2016

Monday Dec 19 2016

Today Monday Dec 19 2016 I am feeling sick.

My shunt at the top right of my head hurts.

Also my stomach is up side down as it is twisting on itself.

Normal symptom of my head not being well. I am used to it.

However it is too bad for me to get into this state.

I touched base at AAC and talked to Melissa my Nurse

She gave me chewing tablets for my stomach and two compresses for my shunt.

The upset stomach is directly correlated to my shunt.

It is a long and well known story.

I have been well during the whole weekend, as I stayed away from all possible bad influence.

Which means for me I stayed by myself. I do not mind it as I a like it.

Last Friday December 16 evening I went to my annual eye exams at the office of Dr. Castillo.

Here is a picture from his web site.
He is a distinguished member of the air force from Bogota Columbia.

His office is located at the 8500 Stockdale Hwy plaza,  suite 108 here in Bakersfield.

This is the Logo of the Retina Institute

 I had a vitrectomy performed to my right eye.

At the doctor office they checked my distant vision.It is 20/20.

My eye pressure was measured, and it is OK.

A nurse dropped a liquid in my eye. He  dilated my right eye and  numb the pupil.

Dr Castillo  checked it with an instrument to survey the back side of my eye.

Everything is fine. He mentioned that according to his exams it is all well.

Next appointment is in one year on Monday Dec 18 2017 at  1 pm

My mother tells me that it is a positive sign that the doctor set my appointment in one year time. It meas that my body is well. After a very important injury in my life.

In the afternoon I signed out at 4:52 pm and went to the gym by myself.

I arrived at  5:21 pm ahead of time for my Zumba class.

After my Zumba Class Lee was kind enough to stop for a picture with me

He is the person with a black T-shirt.

He is a very nice and cheerful person.

He is working in Thousand Oaks and remotely telecommuting from his house in Bakersfield.

From the gym I came back with CNS

Last Saturday December 17  The usual scenario of a Saturday day.

Cleaning the whole apartment. Or as it is said in the local Lingo ADL (Activity of Daily Living)

I changed my bed and washed everything. Bed sheet, my clothes,  the bathrobe and towel.

I cleaned accurately the bathroom: shower, Faucet, Toilet.

I run the dust cleaner in the whole apartment.

As always taking care of the kitchen floor

The living room carpet was cleaned.

My bed room carpet was vacuumed  and later my washed personal item folded away

The second bedroom was accurately cleaned as well.
Nobody leaves there, I cleaned it anyway.

I washed the floor with a Swifter for the whole apartment.

There are tiles in the kitchen and living room area. Then there are Tiles in the bathroom.

Here is a view of the all apartment after cleaning it all.

Of course it looks and smells great as always.

There is so much dust in Bakersfield that the air is filled with it.
And it deposits everywhere. Love living in Southern California don't you?

On Saturday morning as always I went to Trader Joe's

I purchased everything that was on my list.

I thought I made it correctly.

Unfortunately as it happens I had the shameful experience of not having enough money to pay..

Nobody really care weather I have enough money or not, they have never experience it haven't you?

I am used to get at the store and when it is  time to pay I look like  fool.

In fact Jamie had to help me trimming out a few things in order to get the total to match my finance.

The total was $105.44 Well all Organic food and fresh ingredient.

As mentioned above I run out of money and I  looked like a fool. As it matter nobody do care about me making this really penniless scene at the store.

Of course Mr Rossi don't remember you have extra $40 next Thursday?

Mr Rossi thanks CNS and Brandi but where were you when I was pleading for money dear Brandi and CNS?

I  am taking always picture with Jamie. She is a kind person over there.
She is always looking after me. Patiently helping me out whenever she can.

In the evening after eating something I went to the Maya movie theater.

I saw the last installment of the Star War movie called: Rogue One.

Here are the guys at the movie theater associated with the story.

I am posing with one of them for a picture.

At the check counter I greeted Morgana.

She is a nice person working at the Maya theater.

She mentioned that her birthday was last Sunday Dec 18. She turned 22 years old.

Happy Belated Birthday Morgana

At the movie theater I had a discount entrance because I had so many points on my reward card.

I used the saving at church and gave the money away. 

As it matter the amount not used is collected back by the Insurance.

Use it of loose it of course...

On Sunday morning I went to church to the St Philip The Apostle Church.

I gave $7.25 as I had a discount ticket at the movie the night before.

As most of  Italian people do I paid my weekly dues to church by showing up and giving money for charity. However as I am a measured Italian person, I am going to church  only once a week on Sunday. 

 Hopefully it positions my thinking at the right distance of this matter.

Finally afterward it was time to really shine.

I went to the gym  by myself.

I signed out walked to the gym. Over there I did my own program

You can read in the page below.
A lot of cardio, well it is stepper time...

Here is the Stair Master result.

In an hour I did 4.2 miles.

Stepper time is good for my walking. Oh yes because in case you have forgotten I am not able to walk properly. I am hopping while I am   moving my body in a funny way, swinging my weight from my left to my right leg.

I completed my own routine by working on my abdominal (rotary torso), and Multi mode  Trainer level 5. Finally leg press.

Stretching accurately without pushing too hard..

Before leaving  I took my weight with  the analog scale at the gym.

It reads 175 lb.

I snapped a picture and send it to Melissa M.  my Nurse at CNS.
This morning she acknowledged receiving it. The usual procedure nothing new under the sun.

In the evening at the CNS apartment I had time to cook by myself.

Yes because the program from CNS doe not include any cooking service.

I do not mind, I am Mr Independence as Miss Mary told me today.

First  i sliced Zucchini squash and seasoned it with herbs.

Afterward I added a few broken eggs, Parmesan Cheese, flower and bread crumbs.

I  mixed it all and made a great Frittata.

It is all good full of good  nutrients and protein.

Mr Independent likes to cook for himself and the food that makes by himself is really good.

By the way it is all Frozen on January 19

I am frozen outside and inside. Oh well my heart and mind are frozen.

The one who would like to follow the train of thought can follow it very well.

" A buon intenditore poche parole" meaning few words to the wise.

You definitely have to learn some Italian

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