Thursday, December 29, 2016

Thursday December 29

I am writing to you from the Homes of Hope.

The place I am looking forward to be rather than to be relegated at AAC.
 I frankly can not stand that place. It is called a rehabilitation center,
I called going for a cheap place and under equipped place.
The personages attending it are always the same ones; I could list you all the different patients of AAC, all the good and all the bad ones- the behavioral ones.

As mentioned you already before  AAC is an overcrowded and under equipped center for CNS

AAC stands for Adult Activity Center, which is a very emphatic title, like many others at CNS.

There are no practical rehabilitation opportunities.

However there are a few activities that are looked forward by patients: Bingo is one of the biggest, reading the newspaper when available, writing cards to whoever is in season. You have the overall uplifting  idea.

The fill in time is implemented by turning on the TV set always bringing in images and sounds from the world outside." They want to watch TV" this is the official justification ... really laughable.

In my humble but professional opinion nothing to be proud of.

My program says Giuseppe will attend AAC from Monday to Friday from 9am to 2:30 pm

As a matter of fact Giuseppe feels the AAC is not a place for himself.

Actually as a matter of fact Giuseppe understands very well how CNS works and uses all the available documentation available to express his points of view and to pass his own judgement upon his environment.

For instance this morning I had money management completed.

It is a recurring event. Every week I am scheduled to have $75 for grocery plus $24 for outing.

The agreement with CNS and Anna Deluna - my IPC - is that I am having an extra $40 every week for grocery from my Personal account.

This is not from the Insurance money but it is an agreement between my family and CNS as it taps into my own Personal Account. Well let's skip the definition of Personal because CNS has to sign off on it anyway. CNS has to always be in the loop about everything.

Of course this morning I was taken back by not finding the money ready to go.

As a result I documented this fact with the proper CNS form for Anna Deluna my IPC.

Of course my IPC Anna Deluna is the subject of this form.

Clearly she has acknowledged  the situation and answered by mail about the extra $40 being available later today.

Now In my professional view the  agreement between two parties is valid as long as the parties are engaging in a fair and open business relationship. 

I an frankly accessing  in a negative way that Anna Deluna is avoiding to implement her job duties. 

As a matter of fact this is her job and not doing it is a big deal for her.

I feel I can not trust her any longer. Trust nobody at CNS.

Of course Anna was quick in responding that changes were made and that my money will be available later today when I am back from AAC.

 She has  acknowledged the lack of action from her side.

Well in my professional opinion it is another negative mark on CNS.

I could not sleep well last night. I did not reach the REM phase at all.

I started hearing all the cacophony of the noises at the apartment. It is a very noisy place, NRSs slamming doors at odd hours, patients screaming at even odder hours.

I was awake at 2;42am

And again at 3:33am

I can not stand it when I am not sleeping well.

I also called the reception to ask for some sleeping aids in order to be able to sleep.
They consulted with Nursing and said sorry... 

It must be the very poor and frustrating experience of yesterday while at the gym.

Naodi was there as a caregiver to Erin. Erin is a patient at CNS

Well as a matter of fact Naondi is an angry African american girl.

She is mean spirited and she is not at all capable of keeping a good attitude on the job.
She barks orders left and right and all she can do is to be lifting her little personality at the top by squeezing down others.

As if she were interacting with a low level person rather than with me.

Perhaps she has no better skills but to be a caregiver at CNS.  

However she should not retaliate on us by reflecting a very poor attitude on her job.

 After all she has chosen to be working at  CNS.  

She might not have any better skills right now.

I find her  being  mean, she is treating Erin and me as little kids and worst she has a very very bad attitude (I am going back to the example of her being an angry African American woman)

Here is my complaints I filed yesterday for the managers.

I do not want to turn it into a discussion of race of gender.

However based on her behavior she has some explicit biases she is taking with her at work.

This morning I had to work on the Panettone that Simona gave me last week

I am not a big fun of this type of food. On the contrary Simona and the kids are used to eat a lot of sweet food. I am forced to eat it because and  only because they gave it to me. However I do not like it. I  never buy it for myself at Trader Joe's.

Case in point I only purchase white chocolate and then give it away to different ladies at CNS or here at Homes of Hope where it can be appreciated. I come to understand that milk chocolate is far more appreciated than dark chocolate.

It is very simple for me as I do  not like any sweet food.

I am frankly not happy with having to eat the Panettone either.

Yesterday I distributed the schedule to all apartments of CNS.

Obviously the patients at CNS are expecting to be served.

Obviously they are aware of the new schedule every Wednesday but they are not doing anything nor move any finger to get to it.

In my opinion they  act as being spoiled brats... yes they are spoiled and they are CNS patients.

Yesterday in the afternoon I went to the 24 fitness gym.

I had Cycle with Misty and then body pump with Sylvia. See above about Naondi Erin and all the related matter.

At the gym I am very very comfortable. I was not feeling like snapping pictures of any body.

I had Cycle with Misty (static cycle to mimic a hill experience). Afterwords I had body pump with Sylvia. Light weight and many repetitions.

Time for lunch beside I am freezing here today

I had a quick lunch in the kitchenette of the Homes of Hope.
At times it is clean most other times it is a dirty place full of food laying around. It is certainly left by the kids that are populating the Homes of Hope.

Today news is that the man's bathroom is out of order.

Everybody is using the same facilities, both man and woman no matter what the pipe distinction is about. There is only a facility available outside where everybody goes. Uplifting experience... I mentioned to the staff not even cover seats available included in the service.

Oh well if your were an airplane company I would cancel my frequent flier account at once.

As we are in a civilized part of the world and highly uncivilized fact can not be overlooked.

In today's information technology world the minimum you should have done is to inform your customer then apologize for the inconvenience and eventually offer a free service as compensation.

This is the way the real world of business works. Perhaps this is not the way Homes of Hope operates... Oh I forgot this is a not profit organization so you are not subject to the enslavement of the profit. Oh yes because Homes of Hope prides itself of being a non profit organization... as if profit in the world is bad. Well you guys have to talk to your President Trump about this matter.

Perhaps you should start making business related choice among yourself, I draw the line to when you are offering third world service and accommodation to first class people (me)

Simona's family has helped with a new TV for the boys. They really like it.

Perhaps the company as I knew is now dead, perhaps it is working underground in stealth mode...
perhaps perhaps...

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