Monday, December 5, 2016

Monday December 5 2016

I wake up with a headache and a pain to my upper molar on the right hand side.

I already had some Tylenol for today from Nursing today.

It is a very bad sign for me to have this kind of pain: it is related to my shunt.
I am used to it and to have the shunt not working properly as I am feeling it in my skull.

The usual walk in the park. As Simona mentioned to safe data network I am sending a low resolution picture. Being limited on the data from the phone is absolutely from a different time.

Anyway the boss is the boss so here it is a low res picture.

The weekend was busy

Last action I went at the reception and talk to Laurie one of the sup.

I explained them I am tired of having little kids at the apartment doing my coverage.

They do not clean, they do not cook,  they are useless so I appreciate them to spend their time with other patients who really need the  presence of an NRS.

CNS gave me the status of IOP so let it be that way.

I  made staffed peppers and a meatloaf. It is a proven recipe.

The difference this time consisted in using some turkey Bacon that I purchased some time ago.

I wrapped it around the staffed pepper and the meatloaf-polpettone- before cooking.

I have not tasted it yet. I am having stuffed peppers today for lunch.

I hope it tastes well.

Fire alarm status for December thus far:
  1. December 1st
  2. December 4th
And this is the data for December only.

Is CNS doing anything or caring anything about it....

Feeling at home? not really I am feeling irritated and as a result my shunt hurts.. Because if you forgotten the situation my shunt has stated hurting again thank you to all and the CNS great care.
Melissa, Dr Zoner say nothing wrong with it,  I say there is definitely something wrong with it... I am the patient and I feel my body responding. My body and my head keeps telling me otherwise.

Last Sunday December 4  I went to Church at S. Philips the apostle

Everybody at church was coughing and sneezing.

 It is a great place to spread bacteria and to make sure everybody is getting its own fair among of disease.

At church  $4.25 and they asked for an extra donation.
 I had a couple of bucks so they let me go with it.

At church I met Cassie and her grandma Rose. It was Rose's 85 birth date.
I notice that Cassie had a scar under her right eye. 
She said it was from her accident.

After church I finally had the chance of doing what I like the most. I signed out and walked to the gym.

Beforehand I  took my weight. Fully dressed it is 181.8 lb

I signed out and walked to the gym by myself

It took me 30 minutes to walk to the gym and 30 minutes to walk back.

At the gym I enjoyed the stair master stepper at level 5. I did 4 miles in 60 minute time.

Afterward I did the multi-mode  robe trainer. Good for increasing my back muscle
Cassie recommended me to work on this machine.

Before leaving I stretched carefully without pulling any tendon.

I greeted John and AJ at the gym reception.

Along the way to the gym I noticed the changing leaves of the local trees.

So enjoy these pictures.

Last Saturday December 3 my shunt was hurting. I felt dizzy, Nursing came to give me Tylenol and to measure my blood pressure. It all checked out yet I keep having issues with my shunt.

Thus far they give me only palliative.

In the evening I went to see a nice movie.
Allied with Brad Pitt. It is a nice movie about WWII and spies.

At the movie I greeted Victoria that works at CNS as well.

As always I had a tea and Edamame.
The total is $10 for the ticket and $9.75 for the snack.

By the way I read the Binder.

It is a collection of nastiness and really bad things.

It lacks all the good things that I have been doing in my life.

As such I felt really offended by CNS's approach and lack of a positive section.

Dear CNS if you want to have an adult conversation I am ready at any time. 

If you want to have a conversation about how you see life. we can talk at any time.

As far as a collection of nastiness is concerned you have been really thoughtful in adding to your  binder. 
By the way have you heard about Electronic Record by any chance, do you have the record of my achievement in life?

See the ADL 
Cleaning the whole apartment


Cleaning the kitchen area

Cleaning the restroom area 

I run the dust cleaner on the carpet of the whole apartment

I washed the restroom's floor.

I washed the kitchen's floor.

In the morning I went to do Grocery Shopping at Trader Joe's.

Obviously I had a lot of fun. Purchased a lot of good produce.

The whole shore was happy to see me.

Jamie had a new hair cut. She is in the picture next to me.

I purchased all good and fresh food.

I spent $84.99 

Got new stickers and had a lot of fun.

Last Friday December 2 I went tot the gym Zumba with Caroline FunFitness

She works at a library for children

Regarding the Binder here is the email I sent to CNS

Hello Brandy
please add the following positive item

I did not appreciate the collection of nastiness and negative list that you have added.

You might want to add 

the following

- two children age 11 and 7

-professionally I have achieved many milestones
I have 47 issue patents in the field of image sensor
- I speak four languages
- I have been travelling extensively the world
-I use to go to Japan at least once a  month
- I went to China just before having my stroke

- I am a good person, a person that is capable of standing up for what believe is right.

- right now CNS is inflicting a cruel punishment because CNS like to be unforgiving

It is a reminder I am not inclined to have CNS meddle with my own right


Dr Giuseppe Rossi

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