Thursday, December 22, 2016

Thursday December 22 2016

I am writing to you from the Homes of Hope in Niles street.

It is a place where I am doing my voluntary placement job.

Yesterday I was not feeling well , my shunt was hurting a lot so I let Jolanta know about it and stayed back at the apartment.

My day went on with a lot of activities.

I wrote a letter of  Merry Xmas (Buon Natale) to my mother in Italy. And sent it to her.
It is written in Italian.

I have also written another letter of Marry Xmas to my mother in law Anna in Rome

I sent it  yesterday as well. 

 I  used four stamps to sent these letters to Italy.
It will get there after Xmas but it is the thought that matters.

 I took the advantage of cooking a lot of good things.
I made a good chicken broth at first.

I cut celery, potatoes and onion.
I peeled and cut a few carrots as well

As always I made a Soffritto using Coconut Oil.

After the Soffritto was ready I added Chicken Drum sticks and let it brown for a few minutes.

Afterward I top it  with water, adjusted the salt and let it boil gently for a long time.

I realized the ground beef had to be used by the day before, so I went ahead and cooked it all yesterday. 

First I cooked Quinoa. While it was cooking I added some chicken  broth to flavor it.

In the turkey group beef I also added the parsley I had. I sliced it beforehand.

Since I had a few open crackers I  used it together with Bread crumbs.

I  broke a couple of eggs and added salt, pepper, oregano.

Finally the Quinoa was ready.
I let it cool down on the side then added it to the ground beef and mix it all.

I covered the mixture and let it rest in the fridge for a while.

Finally it was ready to be used.
I cut some cheese I had already open. 
I will be using it as a heart inside each meatball.

I formed several meatballs with the ingredients I had.
As mentioned above I added inside each meatball a cheese heart.
Because the meatballs were soggy I decided to toll it with a flour coating to dry it out.

I rolled it inside a large bowl with flour.
At the end I made a fifteen  meatballs.
 It was fitting in three cooking pans.

I  let the oven heating up and then once ready I added the meatball and cook for  40 minutes

It cook slowly and  well. I let it cool down on the counter.
I clean it all, put in several plastic containers.
As always I added little stickers with the date and my initials.

Finally I was ready to go to the gym.
Yesterday I had cycle class with Misty.
It is obviously static bike where the instructor is inviting the class to modulate the resistance of the bike in order to mimic a real road scenario. I was able to complete the class without hurting myself.

Afterward I had bodycombah (TM)  with Sylvia.
 Again I focused on light weight and repetitions.
Many people are taking this class to pump their body with a heavy weight.

I learnt I am not in this category of people. I once strained my body and it took me several weeks to start  feeling better.

Right now I am better. I am happy to keep up my fitness level by avoiding any strenuous lifting.
Sylvia  mentioned her daughter Nina  is going to be a senior in high school.

Tomorrow Miss Anna M. leaves CNS she is going back to do office work for her dad.
Today I brought her a milk chocolate that I had purchased at Trader Joe's.

It is a small gesture of gratitude a good luck for her future.

Tomorrow CNS is closed,  it is a pre-Christmas day.

My instructions are quite simple.

Friday  I will need to get ready for my Christmas holiday vacation.
I need to assemble my clothes for three days.

On Saturday morning I will be taking care of cleaning the apartment .
Grocery shopping  and later Simona will be coming to pick me up.

The plan is as following

Pre Christmas dinner with Raffaella at Beverly Glenn in LA.

Her husband Bob is a good friend of us.

Her son Luca is a good and responsible person.

The plan for Christmas day is to go to S. Bede church first.

After church we are going to have lunch with Elena and Tom.

They are good family friends. I do  not remember were they leave.

The day after Christmas is  December the 26th. It is also St. Stevens's  day.

I will be staying home and be back on the next day on the 27 of December.

Enjoy the reading

Merry Xmas

Come si dice in Italiano
  Buon Natale a tutti quanti, cerchiamo di rendere questo Natale pieno di gioia e di buoni ricordi.


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