Monday, December 12, 2016

Monday December 12

I slept quite fair, not well, as I do not sleep every well at CNS.  I had to resort to using these  paraphernalia and it is working.

Walking today toward the kiosk but hey no newspaper today in Bakersfield.

The distribution system is quite broken in this part of the country.

The machines are old, do not work well -often they request more money that they actually say to operate. At time the newspaper is free of charge. As I said the distribution system is broken.

Accept this is what you get in this large lost town of California

The park in the morning looking for a non existent newspaper anyway.

My weekend has been punctuated by Chris M. coming in front of the apartment  assigned to my recovery case to threaten me.

He insulted  me and knocked at the windows demanding I came out to apologize and so I did anyway

The sups were called to deal with him. Once they talked the big guy felt vindicated,  well enough and left.

Here is the report I filed anyway

Ops I was hoping to get a different subject as I was peaking outside the window.. it is a bit overexposed but the subject does not deserve much accuracy of image. I am sure you can guess by yourself of its name 

Just in case you ask  me the subject of the picture was there out of his/her own will.

By the way the sup and everybody at CNS is  aware... 

There was nothing really nothing to take a shot at.

Last weekend the usual activity of the weekend.

Yesterday evening I cooked  Pasta alla Carbonara as the pancetta had to be used.
I do not eat it often.

I started by making a  slight onion soffritto on a small pot

In the large  red bowl there are three bitten eggs with pepper and Parmesan cheese

Finally I boiled the rigatoni pasta.
Once ready I poured the hot pasta on the bitten eggs and added pancetta.

The very hot pasta cooks the eggs and makes a good mix with the cooked  pancetta and Parmesan cheese.
Here is the result... simply delicious.

In the evening I went to the gym by myself and then came back by myself as well.

At the gym this is my program.

I walked on the stepper for 60 minutes and did 4.2 miles

I had brought back a bad integrator that I purchased the other day.
It is full of caffeine and it is really bad. I wanted to exchange with a healthy supplement.
They told today they can exchange it for me. I explained them I can not open it as it is bad for my head.

While at the gym I  also worked on the multi-mode trainer Per Cassie Tessandori recommendation.

I did a bit of abdominal work, stretched accurately and left.
I walked back at the apartment by myself.

On December 11 my weight is 177lb. 

It is what it  is and  I frankly do not have any concern about it.

 I feel fine.

On the way back from the gym  I noticed these threes,

 Their leaves are changing colors. turning  to  orange.

In the morning I went to Church at St. Philip the Apostle church.

Martha drove us there, together with the usual crew.

Mr Randy, and Mr Gilbert. 

Monseigneur Al is the new pastor of the church.

He has a good disposition and strong temper.

He talked about the community of people.

This is the omelia. 

We are always searching for the unknown. The greatest miracle is the miracle that happens at church. the Eucharistic miracle. 
Monseigneur Al invited us not to search in our life for any other miracles greater than the one represented in the Eucharist. 
He mentioned" Let God  shows up the way he want to be seen.

Since  I did not feel going  to the movie last weekend I gave to church the whole $24 for the outing.
The money is better used this way.
Whatever I do not use the insurance wants it back anyway. Rules of the money management program where they are in charge of the allowance of the money.

At church I met Cassie and her grand mother Rose.

Cassie is an instructor at the 24 fitness gym.
She told me she is going to be on the bay Area the whole next week.
She is going to be covered by Misty.

After church we sat down on the back  of the church for a coffee and a tiny part of doughnut

We talked a bit. she wondered how I was feeling.

I took her hand and let her feel my shunt. 
I told her this is what is hurting my head more often than not..

She was surprised by feeling this peace of bionic inside my skull.

It is what it is...anyway

As I was talking with her CNS called me on my phone obviously this shows how tight is the lash I am and held at CNS. I let them know that I was talking and it was a matter of a few minutes.
So it went the story.

By the way my mother keeps not understanding the place were I am undergoing my Rehab therapy.

She keeps  avoiding to learn, the name of my case manager and it took a while to finally learn my address at the apartment. This is as much as they are currently involved with it.

For me it is extremely frustrating their stubbornness.

My brother Francesco thinks about flying  his paraglider
My sister Isabella is lost with her own activity at work and Yoga.

Neither of them have any kids. The usual story without surprise. Low fertility rate.. perhaps they missed the boat anyway.
I do not missed them at all anyway. I made my choice early on and never regret it once.

Anyway Grocery shopping last Saturday.
Everything healthy for a total of $91.49

Jamie is always there to cheer me up.

This time I had two different containers with milk.
The last time I purchased a full gallon it went immediately bad. 
I let them know anyway and Jamie deducted it from my bill. Still I spent about $92.

Over the weekend I cleaned the whole apartment without prompting and by myself.

In the local Lingo it is called ADL (Activity of Daily Living).

Running the carpet vacuum cleaner in the whole apartment 

I did the same cleaning in the  second bedroom. I keep it cleaned as well. There is no body there yet I cleaned it on a regular basis.

The living room carpet.

More of my bedroom

Washing the bathroom very accurately.

The tub was accurately cleaned

the faucet and the bath area.

The floor was mopped using the swifter.

I mopped the floor in the kitchen as well.

A clean bathroom is what makes the difference.

Needless to say, the bed was changed and all my clothes washed.
Needless to say as I have been in this program for so long that I feel I am doing all this matter automatically and independently.. it might be because I am IOP (Independent Operating Patient)
At the end I took this picture as it was satisfying to capture.

It get boring after all to repeat oneself every single day of the week.

Most of cleaning job is boring anyway, I agree with you.
There is little creativity involved with cleaning. I understand it that well.
I comply with the program anyway. 

Today I  touched base at the Mount Vernon clinic and immediately asked to get out of that place.

I can not stand it any longer.

As I mentioned to you in myhumble  opinion at AAC (Adult Activity Center) there are very very low level activity to do.

It  is an overcrowded place and I am happy to stay away as much as possible from that place.

I also typically have my own food, what they make over there for the other patients does not meet my dietary guidelines.

I trusted them a few times and a few times I got badly hit. 

Today for lunch I had a left over Carbonara past from yesterday evening with some Grapes. A tad of coffee.
Enough for today.

Oh by the way here is the last item.
Miss Melissa asked me to buy chocolate for her.

So I complied and purchased for her.
She got caught by surprise when she finally received her fair share.

On my hand I prize myself of being a person that maintains his own world.
This is I am only saying and promise things I know I will deliver.

Think beforehand what you wish for dear CNS...

Here is my bio

Enjoy the reading


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