Thursday, December 15, 2016

Thursday December 15

It is sprinkling today in Bakersfield. Finally it has started raining a bit

I am writing from you from the Homes of Hope, a Foster Parent Center in Bakersfield.
As mentioned before they provides counselling, medical and social service to the local families in need. They train foster parents along their many challenges.

John is the CEO of this place, Brandon is his second in command.

There are many kids that are dropped off at the nearby  daycare of the center.

I am doing light duty work, basically desk related work.

I come here everyday from 10am  to 2:30pm

It is a nourishing place for me, I like it this way.

I am working at the center where I have a laptop and they always arrange a desk for me to work from.

Today I am using Elizabeth's desk she is on vacation.

I  briefly touched based at the AAC.  As almost every day   I read the  newspaper and then at 11 am in am ready to leave for Homes of Hope.

Today's newspaper  was yesterday's one as today because there was no newspaper available at the kiosk of the apartment.

They told me that it does not matter what the newspaper says as anyway the patients do not remember what I am  reading about.

Perfectly  fine for them , however  I like to have a newspaper with new news every single day just to feel not to do any futile activity.

In my opinion their comment shows the futility of this action.... I do remember what the newspapers is saying anyway. I do appreciate the different news from the  worlds.

Beside whenever I am reading there are always many people talking, staff laughing etc.
The cacophony ((from the Greek kakos+phonos) = meaning Bad sound ) at  the AAC is at its maximum.

This morning at the apartment I had money management completed.

The program consists in the  usual $24 for outing and $75 for grocery.

I am sure that Simona and Brandy Hadler (my IPC)  have worked out a deal for me to have available extra personal money left at the reception every time I have money management.

Today I did not find it available however so I sent Brandy the following email, also I left her a voice mail at her extension along the following message:

Hello Brandi
How are you?
There was no cash req today and I would need extra money

I use money for food only. I normally spend a good amount on healthy and Organic food at Trader Joe's. I never buy junk food nor precooked food. I like Trader Joe's as my de facto store.
Others have chosen Winco or Walmart. Both option are cheaper of course. I tried Winco long time ago and will have issue going back there any time.

I do not have any food intolerance nor food allergies.

Anyway yesterday evening I distributed the schedule at the apartment because I know that  every Wednesday evening  the new outing schedule is available.

Apparently I am the only person that takes action toward distributing it as others are waiting comfortable positioned  in their apartment to be served...It looks to me a lack of initiative or they know that anyway somebody will be serving them.

At 5pm I called for booking for the movie. They told me to hold on as I was the third person in line..
Apparently there was no  line to distribute the schedule, again nobody rushed in to do it.

Anyway I managed to book the movie for Saturday evening. I wanted to talk with Sarah Artfort the CNS activity coordinator. They told me she was already gone at 5pm

I wished I would have had the same approach with my professional work.

Rather I was quite often working until midnight. I did not mind as my work was and his what is defining me.  My ethic is my work, I am very proud of my bio so here it is for your own perusal in case you have forgotten about it.

My wife knows it very well. For a while she was living in Boulder Colorado while I was living and working in Los Angeles. Mind that at the time we had Chicco who was 4 years old and our second boys was on the way to be born. She was doing her post doc in Boulder Colorado after completing her PhD in Atmospheric Science at UCLA.

I eat my dinner, I had a chicken soup ready from the day before.

Afterward I went to the gym.
Yesterday I had static cycle with Misty. Cassie was working elsewhere.  She is in  Pleasanton, CA. at another 24 fitness gym.

As mentioned many times before static bike mimic a real cycling experience inside the gym.

Afterward I had body pump with Sylvia. This was a series of exercise using the gym's weight.
Strengthening the body. I am focusing on my lower extremities trying to bend my legs more and more while keeping my balance. My legs and my walking appeared crooked as I clearly have troubles walking normally while  bending my legs.

I am happy as while doing body pump I had the feeling that I did not injure my  back.

The trick for me was to replace the weight of a barbell with a simple disk and to keep it closer to my body. Good enough for me.

Today I am feeling my back much better. I believe I will be a little time until my back muscle fully recovers but I believe it is going to be better. My back is stiffing up when I am sleeping and before it is warmed up by  the movement of the day.

At the gym I had a lot of fun as always.

At 7pm it is time for me to leave and to go back to the apartment per the insurance agreement.
A CNS sup -Emilio- came to pick me up. An NRS Naondi and  another patient Erin were waiting for me at the reception area.

By the way yesterday at the gym I exchanged the bad protein mix I purchased  on Saturday. On Saturday when I went back to  the apartment I realized it contained too much coffee product. As I have been told to keep the coffee consumption moderate and under control I took the product back.

So I was able to change it with a can of  pure Whey Protein Powder.  I have not opened it yet.

We will see next time I am tasting it. This is supposed to be a good integrator without the bad caffeine of the previous product.

I realized the price at the gym are expensive as the same product is also sold on Amazon at a cheaper price.  Well it is a concatenation of mistakes from my side.

Lunch time..
I had a rich and healthy lunch at the Homes of Hope.

I brought a rich Quinoa Sup. It was a veritable vegetable soup, potatoes, celery, pumpkin.

As final dressing a bit of  Olive Oil and Parmesan Cheese..

A good serving of grapes and finally lunch is done.

During lunch I called my mother in Italy.
She is seeing many doctors because of her legs status.
She has had a perdurable pain in her legs. The doctor's diagnosis is that her sciatic nerve is inflamed and it is responsible for her feeling much pain.

She has been having infiltration and manipulation performed at her legs in search of a therapy that would allow her to feel better.

I hope the current diagnosis and medication will make her feeling better.

My family on the other hand is very busy.

My wife is very busy with her job as always. Our kids on the other hand have a bit of a break.

Our eldest is on a school trip in the S. Bernardino mountains.

Meanwhile our youngest is going to school during the day, in the afternoon is busy with his own activities and in the night he goes to stay with our Nanny Marina.

Marina is part of our family,she has been taking care of Lapo since he was a little kid (He is now 7).

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