Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Wednesday December 7

Today I wake up feeling dizzy with an upset stomach. I got a Milanta from Nursing at the AAC.

I went to AAC, I stayed as little as possible. I honestly do not like to stay there at all. I have to but it is not the place I like to be.

As I was not feeling well I asked miss Amanda to take me here at the Home of Hopes in Nile street.

I signed out from the clinic and came here at Home of Hopes. I like to be here and I am spending as much time as I can. At AAC they run out of sign out sheet already. It is not that costly to make a few copies more and to add it to the sign out register. After all this is what they are paid for.

I brought stickers to the kids as always and gave it to the staff.

It took me a bit of time  to get back all my IT items: the laptop, the mouse the power cord.
This morning I found the  Bluetooth receiver for the mouse disassembled .

Well it is just a matter of adding a little key to a USB  port on the right hand side  of the computer.  Nevertheless somebody had disassembled it.

It is now put together. I wonder who disassembled it.

Anyway I  had a quick breakfast.

Apple, Organic whole milk, Greek Yogurt non fat blueberry, Blueberry raw, High fiber fruit and nuts multi grain Medley  Cereal a little coffee.

I washed everything by hand.

Yesterday night I had to run the dishwasher as I had a lot of item to clean.

I cooked Tilapia according to the  recipe below.

This recipe I had from Trader Joe's in La Canada. I was home for the Black Friday weekend.

It is Parmesan Baked Tilapia.

It  calls for soaking the Tilapia in a couple of bitten eggs with milk , for preparing  the  bread crumbs with spices and Parmesan cheese.

The recipe teaches me to soak the Tilapia in the bitten eggs, let the excess fluid drain out and then to roll it in the bread crumbs preparation.

Here are all the ingredient laid out

I was missing the fresh parsley...oh well next time

Here is the Tilapia baking in the oven set at 400F for 30 minutes.

Finally here  is the results of my cooking spree.

As a side the broccoli flowers were cooked in the small pan with spices

Last night I run the dishwasher. This morning I found the fish pans not cleaned.

Since the  fish cooking pan was browned at the edges from the cooking it did not cleaned completely.

This morning I let it soak inside the sink with warm soap water.

I am sure it is going to help later  today, unless Lupe gets to it first. 

I only hope she will let it soak for a few hours.

In the evening  I went to the gym.

I had body pump with Ellie and Zumba with Mike.

At body pump I focused on repetition and range of motion. I stayed light as currently I am on light duty. At time my back  is hurting.  It is most likely the result of a strained back a few month ago.

I felt well and happy to be doing my best. Zumba is rather easy, it is rhythmic  dance at the music.
As always Mike was the instructor. I like the environment at the gym

I greeted Riina  Laura and Salve among many others.

At 7pm as always time is up and I met Naondi from CNS  at the entrance to leave the gym.

Marissa drove us back and forth to the gym.

Marissa is a very nice person always energetic and ready to going.

As I am independent Naodi was doing the coverage for  mr Erin

At the gym I greeted Laura and Riina from the local community.

This morning I had money management completed .  As always on Wednesday I have  receipts.
Tomorrow is the actual pay day for me.

I walked around in the park a bit, got the newspaper for the day.

Today for lunch I had a bit of polpettone (meatloaf) with brown rice.
An apple.

Barbara gave me an idea: I can use some cooked quinoa in the meatloaf recipe.

 It adds a good texture I am going to make a mental note for the next time around

Soon it is going to be time to leave

Enjoy the reading

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