Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Wednesday Dec 28

I am writing to you from Homes of Hope in Niles Street.
It is an Agency for Foster Parents.  I came here as much as I can and for several hours during the day.

I like to be here and besides, the staff is very kind with me as everywhere I am going.

This morning I messed up my meds, I took part of my sleeping meds.

Everybody is informed about it. Miss Araceli came to my apartment talked with my doctor and then took with her all the meds to refill the one I inadvertently got already this morning.

I am doing fine..

This morning I called  my mother in Italy.

She sent me this picture of her after washing her hairs.

Early today  I had  the first part of money management completed

Since I was home for the weekend I had the full $24 that I did not spent. The Grocery shopping money had been spent last Saturday. I spent $91.29. All good food, most it is Organic.

I did my usual walk in the park. It is a cold and nice day of late winter.

the park is nice and cold but it is already the end of December.

Yesterday evening I went to the gym

Diego took me to the gym where I had body pump with Ellie.

I had Zumba with Alex - not  new person at the gym.
Finally it was time for me to go back to the apartment with Cassandra.

Over the weekend I was back home in La Canada for the Xmas holidays.

The boys had received a new game. It is Trivial Pursuit.
They were playing among themselves.

The living room where they play looks like this one.
It is a very busy family room where the boys spent a lot of time with their favorites items.

In the picture below you can see our living room. At the right hand side there is Lapo. He likes playing with his Lego set . I had the same passion when I was a child.

At the left hand side there is Chicco the eldest. 
He is very much into electronics. He is a good student.

The large TV in the center of the living room is a 75" smart TV from Samsung.

It can play any movies. It can  stop at will and restart the show resuming it from where it lefts it.

The boys were complaining with Simona that the Internet Bandwidth is not large enough to sustain all their activities. Chicco is consuming all the bandwidth and Lapo is not able to do his games.

Perhaps it is time to upgrade  with an even larger bandwidth.

During the morning Lapo was happy has he managed to make his robot working

The TV is  a  Christmas present from Simona's family for the boys.

It is has a huge screen.

The old TV we had before was still working. It has been given to our Nannie Marina. 

We purchased it many years ago with $500 that I had found on the floor while in Las Vegas attending a trade show.

Marina keeps saying that Lapo is a Terremoto (earthquake)

She has been with us since Lapo was one year old.

 She is part of our family and the boys are enjoying her presence a lot.

On Christmas day we went to church at S.Bede in La Canada.

The church had several mass during the day so the church was not as packed as we feared it would have been.

On Christmas day for lunch we went as guests in Arcadia at Elena's and Tom's house.

There was a large group of Italian people all living in the area.

Here is the view of the table,Tom is at the left hand side and he is wearing glasses. He is sitting in front of Simona.

The boys were happy for finding a lot of toys for them as well.

Lapo had his toys to play

Chicco with his new video game

Lapo showing his new car.

On Christmas day my weight is 81.85kg fully dressed.

For dinner on Christmas day we went as guest to have dinner in Pasadena mid central.

We were invited at home with our usual good friends: Stefano his wife Jen. Their two sons Dario and Renzo are very close in age with our boys.

At dinner the very generous and helping long time friends: Bob his wife Raffaella and their son Luca

During the day all the boys played an instrument together .
Renzo was playing the viola.  Good Christmas music.
Luca was playing piano. Chicco and Lapo were looking themselves around so much music around them.

Last Monday it was December 26, The day after Christmas. In Italy it is S.Stefan day.

We had a coffee at the Intelligentsia coffee in Pasadena. A great place to sip and enjoy a hot coffee.

We had a brief lunch at home and later in the afternoon we went to see Rogue One at the Arch-light movie theater in Pasadena.

It is the latest star war movie.

Simona mentioned she did not like it  as it has become a war movie.

I tend to agree with her, the movie is an action packed was movie.

The boys enjoyed it nevertheless.

For me it was the second time I had seen it.

The first one was here in Bakersfield and the second one was in La Canada.

Well, I am hoping I will not be going to see it for a third time anyway.

At home Simona had purchased some chocolate ad cookies.

She got a set of Marron Glasse for Amanda at AAC. For Jolanta she gave me a box of biscuits.
For Melissa my Nurse a box of Marron Glasse

This morning I have brought it all at AAC.

Before leaving for Xma I did my Grocery Shopping at Trader Joe's

I spent $91.29. Had all Organic food and everything I needed to eat healthy.

As always before leaving I took a picture with Jamie, she is always looking after me regarding my buying spree.

Here are my grocery bags.. Eating healthy and Organic is expensive.

I am eating fine and and making all for me always.

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