Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Tuesday December 20 2016

I figure out what was making me feeling sick to  my stomach almost rejecting the food I was having.

I had eaten too many eggs, and the result is that it took me a while to get over it.

Yesterday I had been making an easy to digest soup with a lot of veggy and  I did not go to the gym either.

Right now I am feeling slightly better. After all I do not have to go to the gym... I am a disabled individual, per Jolanta conversation... do not worry about a thing.. you are out of commission for quite a long time.... thank you a bunch..
Oh by the way remember to turn in  the receipt on Wednesday morning and then to collect the money on Thursday morning as the insurance is kind enough to give you $75 for Grocery and $24 for outing.

By the way remember to distribute the new schedule  every Wednesday to all the apartment (serve the other as they expects to be served).

Cue yourself to book for the movie outing on Saturday evening at around  6:30 pm

Because when you are calling at 5pm on Wednesday you are cued behind the ones that have been just ahead of yourself. But they did not distribute the schedule either.... where is the justice.. dear CNS?

Just fulfilling my own  rehabilitation program...

By the way remember to clean your apartment every day, as you are mister independent and are fully capable of cleaning your own apartment unlike other patients with their own.

I am not planning to go to the gym until I will  be feeling better.

After all I am going there whenever I feel like.

Beside my back is improving. It has been hurting a lot,  I strained it once and then kept pounding on the injury.  The result is  a soar and painful right side of my back.  I am used having my body giving me pain, it is a natural state for me as natural as being at CNS.

Last night I had a good night sleep.  I slept using my retainer and my hear plugs... this is the way it goes in this place anyway.

Life is beautiful because it is plentiful of diversity.

Everybody is different.

Verizon sent me a message  mentioned that I have been charged for the extra data plan...

So let's take advantage of what is has been paid for and  to post a life-size image of the frozen park

It is from this morning, every morning I snap a picture of the park... because I like it and because I can do it. Every morning it gets better, it is steadier and steadier.

In my own  opinion it is very acceptable to be charged for any extra  data usage by a phone company.

After all this is the way they make money: by letting consumers meet their needs and by  slamming  an extra tariffs on  their action..

Good business model, after all, phone companies are in a business environment and have to report to a bottom line to their shareholders.

Just in case you ask, Verizon mentioned they charged the account this morning for extra usage...

Well done Verizon..well done.

Yesterday evening I  did not go to the gym, I did not feel like.

I made a soup with  Quinoa, beans, corn soup instead.

First soffritto with celery, carrots and onion using Coconut Oil.

I used the long stalk carrot I purchased beforehand. I had to peel  the carrots using the hand  peeler before using it. 

A good amount of potatoes was used in my  soup.

Obviously the soup had a vegetable bouillon cube, to season, a bit of pyramid salt,  pepper, Oregano.
At  the end Parmesan Cheese and raw Olive Oil. By the way Pyramid salt is out of fashion at Trader Joe's. People were not using it enough and this items did not sale at all. They pulled it out of the shelf immediately. 

 I had some stale baguette bread from last Saturday.

 I sliced it into small pieces and toasted in the oven.

 It provided some crunchy breads for the soup.

By the way following the instruction I have received I left  the fitbit recharging overnight.

It did not work and it is clearly a dead device...

I also reset it using the paper clip - per the instruction I was given

 Because the reset  does not provide any effect, the instruction I was given is to search for the box and pack everything together. So I followed my instruction.

I have been told it will be sent back to the manufacturer for exchange because  it is under warranty.

In my humble opinion this is failed device.

 It is not water proof so you can not shower with it.

It is supposed to handle the sweat however it has shown it can not handle any water content at all.

It is basically a non starter consumer electronic gadget.

Had I knew in advance about its limitations I would have never been so  much attracted to it and rather discourage anybody from spending any money on it.

Nowadays there are many better activity monitors available in the market.

I am not the only one that enjoys cooking.

My mother in Italy is trying a new food.
She sent me an image of cooked anchovies

I have never seem it at Trader Joe's.
Certainly this type of small fish is not sold in normal store in Bakersfield.
I had a quick lunch downstairs.

It is freezing in this place today, a cold room to eat.. everything is cold. 

My feet are freezing  I do  not like at all to be in a cold place...

By the way let's talk about the rehabilitation program a bit.

Activities at AAC are very very little and innocent indeed. The building is an old building it is over populated and under served. There is absolutely nothing at AAC, other than a large TV to keep patients to watch it. They drawn, they use some type of decorative means to make decoration.. Frankly there is nothing to do

There is absolutely no equipment that is supposed to be used for Rehabilitation.
As a results the place is a really cheap and undeserved place.

Every day I am forced to get there, write the date on a big white board (there are hardly any dry eraser pencil to use), of course I read the newspapers of  the day to all the patients.

While I am reading the cacophony is at its maximum and nobody really understand nor is interested in following the papers... thank you a bunch really.

As soon as available I am taking off, I sign off from AAC. I really can not nor want to be in that place of unpleasant feeling..

You are obviously looking at your bottom line.. who can blame you.

Well bottom line shows on many things.

I like to stay alone and to be left alone...
At CNS Mary at the reception calls me Mr Independent...

Well, after all I am Independent and frankly I am planning to stay independent.

I have just received a Merry Xmas gift.

Although I do not go at this place at all, I accepted the gift on behalf of my wife Simona.

She is used to have her Starbucks in the morning before going to work at Caltech.

So I am accumulating gift for the family,

Time to go

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