Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Tuesday December 13

Let's see where to start today.

Yesterday I came back at the apartment and I was quietly cooking by myself.
I was short on ceramic bowls so I went to maintenance to ask for a couple more.
James was very receptive to my request.

I cooked a healthy minestrone vegetable soup.
I prepared the soffritto by cutting onion, carrots, celery and using Coconut Oil.

On a separate container I cut the potatoes and cleaned the squash.

At the end I did not use the bean can I had in the pantry cabinet. It will be for another time.

I  let the soup cooking for 60 minutes by adding water, pyramid salt and bouillon cube.

In the meantime  I worked on another part of the soup. I had an  old baguette bread which had become stale.  I cut it into small cubes and brown it in the oven. When the soup was ready I made sure the bread was  well done. You see the both of them in the picture below.

I added Olive Oil and some Parmesan Cheese to dress the minestrone vegetable soup.

It was really good.

As I was cooking I  was writing quietly a letter for my boys.

Suddenly a  tall NRS -Martha- it is her name came in to check on me.

Oh yes I forget as I at CNS I am certainly not free to do  what I like.

CNS keeps me on a tight leash,  it  never relent.

Martha read my CV which was hanging on the wall of the fridge for the apartment assigned to me by CNS.

  She went though it and she started laughing openly.
I felt very demeaned by her laughing...
As I feel by all the unskilled worked NRS workers at CNS I feel they are treating us and me with a huge demeanor.
The few compassionate persons are the Supervisors. 

Here is the letter I was quietly preparing for my family
Read what it say on line # 16 about the interaction with Marta the NRS.

Obviously she has never seen a resume in her life, obviously this is a matter that it is foreign to her experience. On the other hand this is my experience 

This is the experience I have, it  is the background I have and were I am coming from.

I am sure you are not capable of understanding half of it dear CNS.

You should try anyway.

Well let me tell you this CNS, in my professional life I screened many professional resumes as part of my daily  job.

I am used to see it a lot. 

In my industry and professional experience it is very common to discuss about one's resume.

Professionalism is at the top of my priority, whenever I am talking to a candidate it never occurred to me to laugh. Perhaps I have a different experience of the world than the one that CNS personnel has.
Perhaps I  have a different background than the CNS's NRS have.

After all want they know? the only requirement at CNS is that they know how to cook, how to clean a patient and a house, basically very unskilled jobs.

I feel very very insulted by the reaction of Tall Martha.

I am openly reporting this matter to the website as I am absolutely appalled by the lack of professionalism of CNS' staff.

Obviously she showed me  her little understanding of the world .

I took the letter to a sup I met Cassandra and gave it to her for her record.

No more of this person to be doing my ' coverage' any longer.

Simona is busy with a workshop for the whole week.

Chicco has taken the chance of going to the S. Bernardino mountain on a field trip.

Lapo is always Lapo happy to be wherever he stays. 

This morning I kidded with Lorentz, his dad Russel and a new person Luis (Luigi)

I call them Lorenzo, Rossellini and Luigi.

Lorenzo said they are all family.

For lunch I had  the last bit of Carbonara pasta I made.

I do not make pasta Carbonara that often. When I do I have to eat it within a couple of days as it is not a lasting food.

Greeting in Catalog.

My mother is asking me on the phone why I am getting all wrapped up with the reaction of Martha the tall NRS. She certainly and most likely has never seen anything better than the CNS

Enough about it.

This afternoon I have an easy evening.

For dinner I have the vegetable soup I made yesterday.
It is waiting for me at the apartment
It will be as well for lunch tomorrow.

In the evening I am going to Personal Shopping.

As mentioned to you before I am going to do Personal Shopping often, in fact I am going once a month not more often.

This evening as it happens it is 6:30pm Target store.

Lsterine, Shampoo,  Shower Gel, Dental Floss.

I was planning to get a new agenda for the incoming year however I have been told to hold on on it.

In a couple of day I am going to see Dr Ivan Castillo at the Retina Institute.

I am frankly very irritated by all this visits without an ending.

They tell me come back in 6 moths without ever telling me when it is going to stop.

My mother mentioned that her doctor in Italy is making sure she has regular check on her body.

However I am going to see a doctor for a very different reason. I am very looking forward to the day when enough is going to be enough for me.

It is already approaching the limit.
It has passed my personal mark.

I am frankly very tired of all this very annoying business.

Here is the link for Dr Castillo office.

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