Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Wednesday December 14

I am writing to you as always from Homes of Hope here in Bakersfield.

This is a placement agency for kids that have troubles at home.

They provide counselling service, temporary shelter and a warm environment to support the kids's development.

The center is supported by grants provided by the county of Bakersfield.

It is a place where I am doing a voluntary job like many people working here.

I am doing a desk job and I am released from any strenuous physical exercise during the day.

I come here every day from Monday to Friday and from 10am until 2:30pm

I normally do  check in first at the Mount Vernon Clinic and stay a few minutes until it is time for me to leave and to come here.

Transportation is provided as always by the CNS van.

Today during the ride to AAC I learnt that Anna M. an NRS will be leaving soon.

She is going to work on her dad's office. Her dad has a truck diesel maintenance company.

She is a cheerful person. I wish her all the best.

Yesterday evening I went to Target for Personal Shopping. I do not go that often only when I absolutely have to do it. Otherwise I have other activity for my day.

Personal Shopping is schedule   during the evening at 6:30pm.

There are two different groups of client: Group A goes to Target and the following week Group B goes to Walmart.

At 6pm it is the time when I can get money at the front desk.

I had time to take care of writing to my family. This self motivated activity is called THP  (Therapeutic Home Program) It is used to control  the hand small movement and gesture.

 This is an integral part of the recovery process for me.

Here is my work for the family, English and block letter. The boys reads English.

For the time being only our eldest Chicco reads my letter. He is 11 years old. Our youngest Lapo is 7 years old and has not started to read my letters. Nevertheless I address it to the whole family.

Here is a picture of Target- Group A at  Target.

I purchased Listerine, Shampoo, Floss, Body Wash, chocolate milk for everybody at CNS and finally but more importantly to me a surprise for my wife, on behalf of our kids. Brandy encouraged me to buy a surprise gift for her.  So I did I purchased two.  I was talking with Simona's mom Anna this morning in Rome, and I was telling her about the gifts for Simona. I was planning to have each one of our kids to give her a gift. Anna invited me to keep one for myself and let the second one have the kids as presenter. This is a better idea to work out this matter and I think I will adopt it.

I had not planned to spent a lot of money. however at the end my grand total was a paltry $76.14. This is Target after all.

At Target I greeted Chris from the 24 hour fitness gym in Gosford rd.

Because I purchased  nice little container of milk chocolate I already distributed it to all the NRS people at CNS as well I brought one here at the Homes of Hope for Miss Vee.

She is always joyful whenever she has a little chocolate from me. I learnt she likes milk chocolate. So I am trying to bring a bit of sweetness to her day. I am sure she can buy it by herself out of her own will. Anyway this is the way it goes with me. I am trying to be a kind and decent person.

She is happy to receiving a chocolate from me.

Today I gave chocolate to Lupe as well - my house keeper at the apartment and  to Miss Araceli at Nursing. They might think I am off with something. I am just trying the right things around me.

At the Mnt Vernon Clinic I brought one for Tami -therapist- and I gave one to Anna- NRS- who mentioned is going to leave CNS and go to do office work for her dad. He has a workshop for diesel truck. She will be doing  administrator work for him. Farewell Anna and good luck to you.

This morning I did my early walking at the park near the apartment.

I snapped this picture. I sent it from my phone with low resolution to save data otherwise Simona my wife is telling me I am using too many  data from my phone.
She is absolutely right, I have at time largely overblown the data plan we are subscriber with Verizon.

This morning I also had the first part of the money management completed.Today it is receipt day.

It was very easy: I did not go to the movie and  offered  all the outing money at church the past Sunday. For  grocery I spent $91.49. The latter is all in Organic and good food at Trader Joe's.

This morning my healthy breakfast was composed by Oatmeal, cereal, blueberry, milk and coffee.

All healthy and satisfying to me.

The secret of happiness is not to react to the word but to take a step toward responding appropriately.

here Useful reading,
here even more useful.

Mindfulness means watching ourselves when something happens that might normally upset us or trigger some kind of emotional reaction. Pay close attention to how our minds react.

Somehow Don told me it long time ago, I had forgotten about his good advice.

I have made a lot of mistakes before re-learning it. I am trying to relearn to use mindfulness and to stay in the present moment as much as possible.

Yesterday evening as I was waiting at the apartment I have been writing and cooking.

I made a healthy chicken minestrone soup.

Soffritto with sliced Onion, carrots, celery and potatoes.

I added the chicken legs. The chicken drum sticks were well within their validity date. I constantly checking the expiration date of my food supply.

I adjusted the broth flavor by adding pyramid salt, oregano, garlic powder and more dry herbs.

I added some dry lentils after rinsing it.

 I spent time in sorting the few ones that had to be discharged.

I added a  good amount of water for cooking the broth well. It gently boiled  for more than one hour.

I turned the boiler off while I went to Personal Shopping and put the chicken broth away yesterday evening.

This morning I only had to clean the pot that I let soaking in warm soaped water over night.

I had a good sleep and wake up this morning at 6am fully restored but definitely before my alarm.

I feel that my body is getting better and stronger,  but also  it is because yesterday I had minimized my physical activity.

Either way it is all good.
Today in the morning I went to nursing to get a Congesta as I had been sneezing. IPO (Independently Operating Patient) has to take care of oneself.

How to learn to respond? here is a hint

Mindfulness means watching ourselves when something happens that might normally upset us or trigger some kind of emotional reaction. Pay close attention to how our minds react.

Working hard to control the reptilian part of my brain that at time makes things hard for me.

Reacting is instinctual.  Responding is a conscious choice.  When something happens, our body is going to react automatically regardless.  The trick is to become aware of this initial reaction, resist doing anything, involve your higher intelligence by considering options, possible ramifications, who you want to be, and what is going to be in your best interest, and, then, choose how to respond.

My sister Isabella messaged me to tell me she is in India to practice Yoga.
Today she has arrived in mumbai and then she will be going to goa to continue the study of Yoga.
She will be staying in India for the next 4 weeks.

Today at the apartment we have the new schedule. I am going to distribute it as always.

Then at 5pm it is time to book for the movie on Friday. I will be most definitely the last Star War movie.

We will see how well my plan is going today
Enjoy the reading

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