Friday, November 13, 2015

Friday November 13

Already, the  boys are at school as usual, Simona drove them to school and then she went to a dentist appointment. Nothing major: a general cleaning  and check.

Yesterday evening at the apartment I have been very busy, for one I did not go to my Zumba class.

I felt I had more important things to take care at the apartment.

For a start I washed all my clothes and folded away carefully. I had a full basket to clean ahead of time.  So my laundry is done.  Washing all my own clothes, drying it. Folding it away and getting ready for my week ahead.

Tomorrow is washing day for the bed and for my bathrobe and towel as well.

I have been cooking Brocooli flowers.

 The broccoli have been cooked on a pan using the stove. I seasoned it with healthy herbs, Olive oil and vinegar.

Chicken breast a la Alex is cooked according to the following recipe

First you have to sear the chicken on a hot pan on the stove.

After searing the chicken, the next step is to put in in the oven for 40 minutes. 
At last it requires 5 minutes of broiling so that it light browns on the top.

While I was cooking I wrote to my family a nice letter in English and block letters so that the boys can read it.

As I needed paper to write I went at the reception where I was able also to retrieve my reading glasses that I had misplaced earlier.

Now I got it again and I added a sticker with my name. 

At least for the next time it is clear who it belong to. I am very lucky person after all.
I feel very fortunate for being able to be here to write you all these adventures of mine.

Somebody is really looking after me from high in the sky.

My breakfast for today is the following one a healthy breakfast.  As mentioned to you above I called the boys on their way to school. We greeted each other a good day and we left.

Today's flowers are the following ones:  please note the plane high in the sky. It is a very nice background to the rose.

This morning I got my usual walk in the park. A nice brisk morning.
I took care of the little box they left me to take care ( Step up and Step down it is appreciated)

Finally I went to walk in the park and get the newspapers to read at the clinic.

I  snapped this panoramic picture of the park.
It is all good.

A great day to walk around. I greeted good morning to Zizi. 
He is a homeless person that roam in the park and look into the trash for recyclable.
But do not worry a NRS is always there to keep an eye on me.
Today miss Priceless  was there to make sure that things were done according to plan.

I am back after lunch. Today as every Friday lunch was provided d by CNS. 

Today I enjoyed eating lunch at AAC, despite me bring food I believe Lavisha has been doing a good job.
Here is a picture of my lunch. Tacos rice and ginger ale.

I enjoyed my lunch and had my food eaten inside the complex.
Too cold to be eating outside.

I called Simona and she was back from her dentist appointment.
Today she is going to have a meeting at the University Caltech.

Tonight our eldest Chicco is going to play tennis and Lapo our youngest is going to watch him play.
Of course Marina our nanny is going with them.

I  consulted with Simona and  we agreed it is best for me to send home the letters I  have at the apartment. 
Next time I am going to see them all is for Thanksgiving  On November 26. I will be gone from the 26 to the 29 of November.
This is the plan.
For Thanksgiving we are going to have dinner with Stefano his wife Jane. In addition to their two sons Renzo and Dario there will be another family. 

Bob, Raffaella and Luca, they are all long time friends of our family.

Enjoy the reading
I am going to work on my database for Lisa and CNS

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