Monday, November 9, 2015

Monday November 9

Here is the summary of the past weekend.

Last Friday I went to the gym. I had U-jam with Naomi. She is the instructor with an orange Shirt.
She remembered my name so she greeted me by saying" Hi Joseph".

Next to me is standing Lee as usual very supportive and understanding with my picture taking  request.

For Friday the flowers are these ones below.

Last Saturday I wrote to my family.

I prepared a letter for my mother in law Anna. It is written in Italian.

I also prepared a drawing for our youngest son Lapo. It is about the tour Eiffel in Paris.
Simona will be going to Paris between Sunday November 5 to Sunday November 22.
She will be attending a Conference on Energy and Water Cycle in the tropics.

Simona has a talk to give at the conference.

I also prepared a letter for my mom back in Italy.
I sent it to her last Thursday.

Last Saturday Simona came to visit me and we went out to eat at our favorite eating place.
California Pizza Chicken. 
Anna was with us so that we all had a good time.

I had  a soup squash, Arugula Salad with shrimp and a salmon as a drink a Cooler.

This is me with our two boys. Chicco at my left and Lapo at the far left.

Last Saturday I slept with my ear plugs as the neighbors were making a lot of noise.

I mind the noise at odd time of the night. 
Yet apparently this is the best accommodation CNS is providing me with.

On Saturday I did the usual cleaning and the usual grocery shopping at Trader Joe's.
I spent $93.71 and get a new supply of stickers. I have already started distributing it around the CNS.

My sister Isabella sent me these pictures of a place near my home town Verona.

It is called Valeggio sul Mincio. 

She visited Valeggio with my mom.

Please enjoy these beautiful shots of Italy.

Peace, beauty and traditions.

She sent me more picture of original home town Verona in Italy.
Where I was born and were I am from.

This is Piazza Dante with the Statue of Dante Alighieri the great Poet.

This is the historic center of the town

This is Piazza Erbe (I believe)

This is a view of the Adige river. In the far distance you see ponte Navi and the church of  S. Zeno.

On Sunday morning I went ito S.Philips the Apostle church

A poor windows contributed two small coins to the treasury while others were giving large sums from their surplus.

Jesus notices and called the disciples telling them " many give large sum from their wealth, she gave little from her heart"

By the way last week I gave the whole outing money ( $24) to church as I did not go to any outing (movie).

After church I went to the gym.
I place where I feel my self at home. Rather than being at CNS.. this is why I do suffer whenever I am not over there.

Diego drove me to the gym last Sunday.
This is my own program
1) Stair Master 2 miles at level 8 in 20 minute
2) Legs 3x20x80 lbs
3) Abdominal crunch 3x20x50lb
4) rotary torso 3x20x50lb

By the way my weight last Sunday (November 8 was 185.8lb)

Today I caught my family on the phone. They boys were going to school. Simona was reversing her lecture at Starbucks.
This is a great Pano view of the park early this morning.
A risky morning indeed.


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