Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Tuesday November 10

Well, I had an very hard night yesterday at the CNS apartment.

I had hard time going to sleep as music was coming from your neighbor resident.

I called AAC and left a voice mail to Jolanta describing the situation.

This morning I had a wake up at 5:45 am from your neighbor residents.

Here is a paste and copy email I sent this morning.

Dear CNS
Here are the points for you to consider

1) music until past 8 pm per yesterday mail and voice mail to Jolanta
2) noise this morning starting  at 5:45am

Solution: let's drink more coffee,  it is a great accommodation provided very kindly by CNS

Shall I go to sleep at the Court Yard Hotel instead?

Please it is important for me to sleep perhaps you do not care?

In my opinion you do not care because this situation has been protracting for long time.

Anyway this is the summary of yesterday's salient facts.

Yesterday I went to the gym to do Yoga with Lilli. Next to Lilli is Standing Lee.

He mentioned that he owns a condo next to the clinic in Ashe Rd.

Finally after Yoga I had cycle with Lolita here picture at my right hand side being funny.

Before leaving I stretched accurately.

At the gym I met Miss Amani. She works at CNS at the Behavior Department.

 It is always pleasant to meet her at the gym.

She is a very nice person to talk to.

Once at the apartment I had  little banana for the potassium, an evening showers and the usual meds.
My nighy meds are Melatonine, Trazodone, Divalproex and Buspar

I slept only a few hours (see above)  hence today  I am getting as much coffee as possible.

Breakfast this morning.

Obviously I had my breakfast while lessening to NPR and ruminating on my ordeal from last night.

Dear CNS do it appears you do not care...

Well this is the park this morning.
A peaceful yet desolate place to walk in the morning.

Today it appears gloomy and deserted.

Already wonderful picture of the local flowers

Obviously the ride to the Mt Vernon Clinic was as unpleasant as possible.
A lot of cacophony and loud Spanish music in the bus.

You see I am prepared. It is like Flying don't you agree?

I am back after a meeting with Dr. Helvie Melissa about my sleeping hygiene
Here are the notes I took. Verbatim from my email:

Attendee: Giuseppe, Melissa and Dr. Helive

I explained my difficulties of sleeping at the apartment and as a results I am feeling edgy during the day and I have been increasing my coffee consumption during the day.

Medication changes: Ambient 5mg, Buspar has been increased. Medication for sleeping unchanged: Melatonine and Trazodone as before.

A little sleep is good too much is bad.  I agree with you. 

The matter is that I have not been having  a good quality sleep at the apartment.

 A matter that has been going on for quite some time. See the trail of my complaints at the reception.

Dr. Helvie recommended to go to bed at 9pm. He recommended to do something binetween 8pm -meds time - and the bed time at 9pm. Read a book do not watch TV as the blue colour of the screen has been proven to be an exciting element for the brain.

The caffeine from coffee  is increasing the Cortisol level.

 Cortisol is the main stress hormone.
Too much Cortisol is bad for one's body.

We will review this matter after Thanksgiving holiday.

Thank you

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