Monday, November 30, 2015

Monday November 30

Four days ago Danielle left and went back to Vegas
To celebrate her departure she allowed me to snap this picture for a farewell to her.

For  Thursday Thanksgiving day I prepared a number of letters for my family
For Chicco and Lapo

For Lapo a simple Turkey drawings

For my mother in law Anna a letter in Italian  to bring with her as she returned back to Rome, where she normally resides. 

On Thanksgiving day  ( Thursday November 26)  Simona came to pick me up from La Canada where we leave. On the same day we went to Stefano and Jen for dinner.

They have two sons: Renzo and Dario. Renzo is in between Chicco and Lapo while Dario is in front of the picture.  At dinner Bob and Raffaella were also invited. 

Their son Luca is at the right hand of Lapo in front of Chicco.

In the picture below you will see  Bob. At his left hand side  there is Jen. 

As mentioned above Jen organized a very nice evening for the whole group of friends.
She cooked goose. It was a very good meal.

The goose was tasted by everybody and we all enjoyed it very much.

Raffaella and Bob were also present.
I had red beets and loved it.

In this picture there is  Raffaella and her husband Bob.

Here you  have Stefano and his wife Jen the two hosts of the evening.

Stefano's family all together.

Stefano took us for a ride on his new  Tesla car. It is a great vehicle, incredible performances and technologies. He showed us the self driving and self parking feature. 
After all it is a top of the line electric car.

At home Chicco showed me his Google laptop he uses for school

Here is Lapo keeping up with his brother

Last Friday November 27 we went around LA.
We tasted a real Italian Gelato in Hollywood at Grom.

Simona likes to dress the boys as twins. 
I guess it is an accurate statement that they look alike.

Here we are in Hollywood having a good time.

Before it  we went to get a coffee at Intelligentsia in Pasadena

Here is Chicco always busy reading.

Here is Lapo busy with his own electronic game.

At some point during  the day we grabbed an Italian gelato at Grom in Hollywood.

Here is the family sitting together for a nice picture

Last Friday evening we went to our Favorite Pizza place
It is called Settebello Pizzeria

I also had  Panna Cotta

Anna made me one last  present, a new backpack

Last Saturday my mother in law Anna left and went back to Italy.
We drove her to the LAX airport. 

She took an Air-France flight, LAX-Paris-Rome.

She had a good flight and she already arrived.

Last Saturday evening November 28 we went to see  a movie at the ArcLight movie theater at the Paseo Colorado of Pasadena. 
The title movie was " The good dinosaur"

It is a sad story about a small dinosaur that looses is father. 
Well let's say that  for Simona the movie story line has been too much.

Simona prepared Spaetzle at home

This morning Dedra came to my apartment. She showed me a copy of a complaints of mine.
One evening I was left at the gym alone past my time, typically it is 7pm. At  7:20pm I walked back to the apartment by myself. I paid attention to the rules of the street and made sure I respect the yield signs.
It is all well. Once back I filed a note complaints with CNS explaining that according to my program I am supposed to be ready to leave the gym by 7pm.
Dedra showed me that agreed and closed the pending case.

Simona mentioned that this morning she was busy at home as she had the heater systems checked by  a company. I am going to call her afterward.

The flowers are for you all.

Enjoy the reading lunch time.

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