Friday, November 6, 2015

Friday November 6

Yesterday I received two surprises from Simona.

I received a new Teflon pan for cooking as the previous was was warned out. I gave it to maintenance so that they decide what to do. I would recommend to thrown it away.

I also received a warm long sleeve sport dry fit shirt and pans. I have not tried it yet

It is all good.

As I was busy yesterday I spend time cooking and writing to the persons that means a lot to me.

I made staffed peppers and meatball (polpette)

While cooking I wrote to my boys.
It is a letter in English and block letters.

Also I wrote a letter to Anna my mother in law in Italian.
 I am going to see her over the weekend.
It is a letter of gratitude that she can carries with her when she leaves.

She is going to stay in US for a while as Simona my wife is going to go to attend a conference in Paris, France. It is  a Conference about "Energy and Water cycle in the Tropics" .

I also took the chance of writing  to my family  in Italy . I  already sent the letter to Verona, Italy.

So Yesterday I was busy with writing to everybody that matters to me.
As I was cooking and writing I did not go to the gym.

Monet came to check on me. I showed her I was being busy and asked her to snap this picture of me wearing my apron and holding in my hand my family's picture.

So here is the picture of me smiling.

Yesterday our kids went to Taekwon do.
Afterward Lapo went back home while Chicco our eldest went playing soccer.
Simona went to pick Chicco up later in the evening.

Same schedule as last week.

This morning I had a wonderful and balanced breakfast.

I helped trowing the trash - it is  for my balance and for my walking. I appreciate it so  thanks a lot. 

I like  walking up  and down the is all good.

 I went to take the newspaper and a walk in the nearby park. 
I feel my balance and my stroll becoming more regular. 

Of  course I could not resist taking a picture of the nearby nature.
This is the Panoramic picture of it.

Really nice yet today the sun is too bright and I did not cover it enough.

Our kids are well.

Early this morning I called them as they were going to school. I quickly talked with Chicco.

Today my stickers went to Catherine for her family.

With the weekend I will have a new supply of stickers.

Enjoy the reading.

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