Monday, November 23, 2015

November 23 Monday

Our kids are at home for the Thanksgiving vacation.
I called too early this morning and found Simona my wife. She told me I should not call home before 9am. It is noted.

At 9am I called home again and found both our kids awake and in full activity.

Our eldest Chicco was busy with his homework.

Our youngest Lapo was making a drawing of the Mayflowers for the Thanksgiving season.

My mother in law Anna was with them.

As usual this morning I have been enjoying my day.

I helped trowing the trash in different places (yes step and step down with a light weight) it is appreciated.

I walked around in the park near the apartment an got this panoramic view of it ..posted for your enjoyment.

I also saw a couple of beautiful flowers and got these pictures of  it.
Some like to cut  it and to bring it with them.

I do not do it, I snap pictures and let it be. 

Over the weekend I did a lot of activities

Cooking the Zucchini squash in the oven.

Last Sunday Nov 22  we had a family event.
Simona reminded me it was her brother Andrea's birthday.
Andrea leaves in Brussels in Belgium,.

I called him at home and wished him a Happy Birthday. 

He confirmed the situation over there is tense and many daily activities have been adjusted to the latest level of the terrorist threat.

 In the morning went to Church  at St. Philips the Apostle

A great experience going to S. Philips the Apostle on Stockdale Hwy.

Last Saturday at the movie theater I  had a $5 discount on the ticket. 
So I had more money for church offering. It was $10.75

Later I went to the gym and my own program for Sunday is reported below.

As I was at the gym I weighted my self. Sent this picture to Melissa my nurse.

This  is my weight: 185.4 lb.

This is my own program for  my Sunday gym activity,

On Sunday I wrote a letter to my boys. 

A letter for the both of them and a Turkey coloring drawing for Lapo. 
I had the drawing last Saturday at Trader Joe's.

I sent the letter last Sunday and it will be at home by the mid of the week.

I snapped even more pictures for your enjoyment

Last Saturday evening I went to see a really funny movie. It is called the night before

At the counter I greeted Morgana

She asked me how I was doing. I explained her the family is doing great and our kids are always busy with many activities, they are looking forward for the Thanksgiving holiday.

She mentioned she  studies Biochemistry and this week she has finals.
I did a lot of writing last Sunday. 
Something good and something less good.
Anyway it expressed my sense of being.
I sent it all anyway. I mentioned Simona that she should filter the letter from Sunday.
She understood the point.

Last Saturday at Grocery Shopping I spent $50.24

Got the drawing for our kids.

A new supplies of stickers and ticket for the raffle as I brought the bags back at the store.
Last Friday I went to the gym as It was my Zumba night.
At my right Caroline, then Sira, another lady and Rachael with Red hair.

I enjoyed the gym as always.

Today I had motion sickness in the van I feel a bit seek at my stomach.

Lunch time

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