Wednesday, November 11, 2015

November 11 Veteran Day

It is Veteran Day, the day our nation commemorates the sacrifice of our soldiers.

Today the school in La Canada is off, Chicco is at a friend's house (Mateo)  while Lapo is at home with Anna my mother in law.

Simona is at Caltech today.

Here are the salient facts and happenings of the day.

Chaney let me practiced my putting skills today.
I was prepared as I had my warm jacket and my sunglasses..

In the morning as usual I had my first part of money management done, today it is my receipt day. Tomorrow is my actual Money Management day. I will be receiving $24 for outing and $75 for grocery. I  have been doing well as far as outing money is concerned, I have more difficulties sticking to my budget on the grocery shopping. In that regards my wife Simona always makes sure I have a good integration in my Personal Account money, as well my IPC Jesus makes sure I have enough moeny.

Anyway  In the morning I took a stroll iin the park, beautiful day.

I grabbed the newspapers, thrown away the trash bags from the couple of places I found it, thank you CNS.

I snapped pictures of the local flowers.
Beautiful nature  isn't?

My breakfast this morning

Yesterday my activities for the day have been the following ones.
Once back at the apartment I've been cooking vegetable broth .
I used the Filo I purchased from Trader Joe's
Prepared a great arugula salad, with tiny tomatoes and mixed with the left over Tilapia I had I.

I found that making a salad with the baked Tilapia is a great way for combining these two food.

As my kids back home were eating vegetable broth I felt it was time for me to prepare some  for me as well. I  used chopped celery, potatoes, carrots, onions. A bouillon cube which were sent to me by my mother in law. Finally a bit of Parmesan cheese and olive oil to season.

It was then time for me to go to the gym as I had no Personal Shopping to do.  

I seldom go to do Personal Shopping - let's say about once a month.

 went to the gym to do Body Pump with Ellie

Finally it was Zumba time. Zumba with Mike.

I met Lucy at the gym, a familiar person that has been kind to repeat me her name a couple of times.
I wrote it on my memory book, and I am sure I will remember her name next time I see her. Just in case I have to use my memory book.

I also greeted Carlos the Manager of the gym.

Adriana came to pick me up . At 7pm it is time for me to go back to the apartment and to
 take my evening showers, get a snack , my evening meds

Here are my meds for Sleeping:

 Ambient 5mg, Buspar has been increased. Medication for sleeping unchanged: Melatonine and Trazodone as before.
Ambient is a controlled medication so only nursing can give it to me. Before going to bed in the evening I am walking over there to get my meds.

Overall I feel Special as the label in this medication tells.

Dr. Helvie recommended me to go to sleep at no earlier than 9pm.
I am trying to adjust my schedule to stay up and read or do something to engage my mind.

Well yesterday I took care of the kitchen duties. I had to separate the broth in two separate bins to store in the fridge. I then washed all the utensil and pots.

Jolanta mentioned this morning to watch some PBS program at the TV. 
I am with her, PBS makes some good informative programming.

I am a big fun of both public Radio (NPR) and public TV as they both make a good job in making informative and educational program

Enjoy the reading

By the way our kids are at home today as it is a day off school.
I will be finding the both of them at home during lunch time.

I had a good lunch today. A warm vegetable soup with rice - from yesterday.
I great salad with a left over Tilapia fish. 
It is a good combination.

Chicco and Lapo are at home.
I called during lunch and Anna mentioned that Chicco had a play date with a friend of his.
Lapo was at home but he was busy as he had his half hour of Ipad watching.
So he was distracted.

I had a better luck and attention in calling my mother in Italy. She mentioned that she went to lessen to a conference tonight  and afterward she was at home,

Next I am going to work on my database for Lisa and CNS.


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