Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Wednesday November 18

Yesterday evening I went to Walmart to do Personal Shopping. So no gym for me.

This is the list of what I purchased at the local Walmart Store.
I spent $32.94 and returned the change to Ana at the reception.

I found the place convenient and I was happy with the service provided. Kyle drove me over there and then waited for me to be done and gave me a lift back to the apartment.

The biggest ticket item was Drakkar Noir Deodorant.

It is a man perfume body spray.
 I like it and used it every day.

Yesterday evening Lapo went to play soccer with his trainer Ali and his best friend Kevon.

 In the meantime Chicco our eldest  was revising his math subject as a test is coming up soon.

 Good luck Chicco I know you are a very smart person.

Your mom has given you  a great brain to work with. I am sure you are aware of your possibilities.

Anna was helping you at home.

Before going to Personal Shopping I snapped this great picture of the local  sunset as seen from the door of my apartment. The Swain center is at the bottom of the image.

 Great contrast and great subject.

I had a great night (thanks to my new sleeping medication called Ambient)
It makes me sleep well and I feel rested in the morning.
I stay awaken until 9:30 pm and then Nursing comes to give me the sleeping pills.

It is a highly controlled substance. Nursing is checking on me  to make sure  I had  swollen it.
I normally  tease them about this medication.

My great breakfast this morning
Granola, blueberry, milk with Hot Cereal.

This morning I check on my milk before using it and it tasted really bad. So I pour it on the sink and used the other half a gallon I had in the fridge. Better safe that sorry.

This is my routine  for today:

I got up after a great night of sleeping well (My Ambient meds for sleeping works better and better)
I had my Money Management done today (first part is the receipt at the reception)

As usual this morning CNS made me found the trash to thrown away (step up and down) thank you so much for your help. It is appreciated.

I called home and greeted a good day to our kids. They  are well and as usual they were going to school with Simona. They had  breakfast with Nutella on bread slices.
Sometime Anna -my mother in  law- makes them a crostata (tart)

Later I  reached Simona at Starbucks she mentioned me that she would be busy for lunch as she has a visitor and a seminar. So today for lunch I will be leaving her a message on the phone. She is such a busy person at Caltech University.

Today our kids are going to Taekwon do while I will be going for a hair cut.

Enjoy the reading,
lunch is next

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