Thursday, November 19, 2015

Thursday November 19 2015

Yesterday I had   my dinner, made by myself and alone by my own as usual.

In the evening I went to have a hair cut at Great Clips.

I felt I needed one. They did a good job.

This is the timescale of my hair cut appointments:

April 9,
June 18, 
August 20 
and last November 18. 

So for most every three months I have a cut with the exception that for the last one I have been waiting four months. It was long overdue.

Yesterday Renee cut my hair. Martha was still working there, she cut my hair a few months ago last time.

 You see it looks like unskilled job persons do not move around much.

In my profession we had a lot of  incentive to retain the good designers of the company as they tended to be in high demand. Hence good designers are very mobile.
Myself I have been switching several companies before finally sticking to the last one. In that I was Vice President of Business Development. Hence you see my  appreciation for a good job is directly proportional to the service you provide me.

Our kids had Piano lesson with Liz.

This is me after the cut.

This is  a picture of my memory book. A took I am using to keep track of event I am going trough. It is my memory bank. The past and certainly my future.

The appointment was late in the evening at 7pm  so I did not go to the gym.

Well let's come to my own survival skills.
Due to the neighbor kindness - let's call it El Chupacabra  for the sake of this argument.

I have been really all over the place because of this ... 

As a matter of survival - always survival skills at CNS- I folded back to the green room from the blue room which used to be assigned to me.

I already resolved to get Ambient pills to better sleep at night dear CNS.. Dr Helvie prescribed me then days ago. 

To me this  feels more like a retreat rather than expecting to have an improvement of behaviour.
To me this sounds like   like" Ubi Major minor cessat" (do you understand Latin dear CNS?) 
I bet you can make an effort in this case. 

This is my new convalescent room, away from the street traffic and away from the noisy Chupacabra.

Obviously I keep trowing the trash, get the newspaper and read the newspapers. I keep doing all of this dear CNS because I have a good heart after all.. 
Are you sure you are keeping under control your most dangerous patients?

Today my lunch was a good one, too bad I did not enjoyed the environment nor the company of the surrounding.

Before lunch I had Yoga with Amy  at 11am,

 She is a good and nice person, she brings a bit of normality among the abnormality of the AAC.

Amy is going to Cambria for Thanksgiving to visit her Parents.

If f you lessen to me, Today I think  it would be better to be in Hell rather than at AAC ...which is in my personal view Hell om Hearth in Bakersfield.

I feel my punishment is because of my sins and I have been condemned for life at AAC.

Are you reading this dear GOD?

Can you feel my frustration with you and your absurd joke on me.
Do you really think this  is funny? 

Perhaps you are looking down and enjoying yourself very much... patting yourself on the back like we did at Yoga.

Please read and consider these words.

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